Monday, April 28, 2014

Day 209: Escape From Threll pt. 2: Containing Szen

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Pain. Intense, unrelenting pain.
I opened my eyes and in my haze began to weep. At least I think I was crying. I dared not move, no... I couldn’t move. The pain was so intense that memories of the moment are hazy. I’m certain my jaw was broken, my skull ripped open and other various fractures throughout my body. Despite the terrible pain, the tears were out of joy and guilt.
Gemmel stood before me. He held the circlet in one hand, heaving large breathes while the rest of him looked quite battered like myself. He had come and I wanted to hug him something terrible. I doubt my words can adequately express the gratitude and debt I feel.
He saved me! He came!
At the same time I felt ashamed that I needed him. Seeing how hurt he was, I wanted to shrink away and finish dying. I never wanted to get him hurt!
“Sorry that took so long,” Gemmel said. I wish I was able to speak because I wanted to scold him for saying that. “I wasn’t quite expecting that... I suppose I ought to sit down,” Gemmel then grabbed a piece of wall and pulled it down ward. He then sat upon it and looked at me. He seemed stunned to find my eyes watching him.
“Pretend you didn’t see that,” he commented. His mouth was pulled into a frown as he continued to endure the pain he was feeling, “I don’t know what’s going on... well, I suppose I should stop feeling sorry for myself,” and with that Gemmel picked up Szen’s dagger and stabbed himself with it. Instantly he was healed and made whole. He moaned a sigh of relief.
“And now you,” he said. I thought I screamed ‘wait’ at him. I was certain that dagger would kill me. Instead, for a brief moment, I felt a sharp pain on top of what I was already feeling, then it vanished. I laid on the ground in a pool of blood. My dress was nothing but bloody rags, my mithril and the vest being the only things intact. I saw Isaac reappear too.
My legs were shaking a little as Gemmel helped me to my feet. I let a sob out as I hugged him fiercely
“Don’t put that circlet on,” I warned.
“Huh, you think?” Gemmel teased. I hung my head. How foolish I was! Gemmel handed me the dagger, adding a thoughtful remark of, ‘so that’s how that works.’ I wish I had latched onto the comment, but my gratitude for being alive compelled me to thank Gemmel instead of question what he knew about the dagger.
“I would love to explain everything-” I began.
“That’s okay,” Gemmel interrupted.
“Explain what?” Isaac asked.
“I’ll tell you later Isaac.”
“Tell me what?” I ignored him.
“Anyways, Gemmel, thank you so much. I think it’s safe to say we need to get out of here-”
“Back to your warning, did you just put this thing on?” Gemmel asked, shaking the circlet at me. I gave a guilty look.
“Yeah..” I said lamely, “and I learned my lesson.”
“I would hope so.”
“Araja, we need to get going,” Isaac said to me.
“I know!” I snapped. I really wanted to talk to Gemmel and I was very much on edge with all that had happened. “I’m sorry Isaac, yes we need to get out of here. But I also want to let Gemmel know I plan on explaining myself.”
“Again Araja, no worries. Lets get on out of here first. Actually... where are we?” Gemmel asked.
“Threll,” I exhaled.
“Oh... I’m not suppose to be here,” Gemmel said gravely, “I best get going myself.”
“Yes Araja, we’re in Threll. Are you feeling well?” Isaac pried. I whipped around on him, frustrated with his continual interruptions.
“When have I ever been okay Isaac?! I’m talking to Gemmel!” I snapped again. When I turned back around, I was disappointed to find a pebble on the ground. The very pebble Gemmel left me with the first time. I heaved a sigh. I didn’t want him to leave yet, but I understood his desire to abide by the laws he was under.
“Thank you Gemmel,” I whispered to the rock as it sunk back into my hand. I rubbed the little dot, as though I was giving Gemmel another hug. As much as I wanted to be with him again, I also hoped that I would never need his aid. He’d already done so much for me. How would I ever pay him back?
“I”m sorry Isaac,” I apologized, “I was talking to Gemmel. He just saved my life...”
“Your imaginary friend?” I gave Isaac a curt look. He quickly asked a different questions, “So what happened?”
“You disappeared after trying to pry a ring off of Szen’s finger. Actually,” I looked back to where Gemmel was standing and saw the circlet was left behind, “that circlet contains Szen’s spirit in it.”
“Oh goodness, don’t put that on,” Isaac warned.
“No kidding,” I muttered, “Anyways, we should probably take that with us to prevent someone else putting it on. Then lets get out of here before that dragon comes and finds us.”
I picked the circlet up and was about to store it in my belt when a strange sensation overcame me. Looking at the circlet, I felt compelled to put it on. It seemed like a good idea. Then my sanity came back and I dropped the circlet.
“You okay?” Isaac asked.
“I almost put it back on.”
“You mean you already put it on once?”
“Hence the blood everywhere and how it was Gemmel saved my life.”
“I was wondering about that,” Isaac commented, “How about you wrap it up in some of your dress scraps?”
The remnants of my dress easily covered the circlet. I didn’t know how effective the wrapping would be, but I sure felt better about touching it and was able to store it in my belt. I then picked my circlet up off the floor and placed it upon my head. I disguised my clothes to look less bloody and made sure I was modest enough to go back out into public.
Isaac lead me down the underground corridors. The sewage was an awful smell once we arrived in that part of the sewers. Isaac took me to a ladder and instructed me to wait for him there. I figured he was checking to see if the coast was clear before having me climb up out of the ground. I didn’t want any attention drawn to myself and so I waited.
As I waited I could hear a cry. It sounded like someone was greatly distressed. I looked in the direction the crying was coming from. A chill ran up my spine as the thought that it could be a trapped crept in. The dragon had to be somewhere and surely if I pursued after the crying, I’d run into the dragon. Even if it was someone who needed help, what help would I be if the dragon was there?
Over the crying, I heard something from above. A man shouting, something crashing, and someone sounding like they were just hit. Isaac returned shortly after the commotion.
“Well, it’s safe to go out now. What are we to do if the wall is shielded again?” Isaac asked. I thought for a moment.
“We’ll leave with the ships. Let us make our way back to the port and I’ll turn into a mermaid. I can swim out with a ship when the moment presents itself,” I said. More wailing was heard.
“Should we check on that person?” Isaac suggested.
“No. I’m getting out of here and heading to the port,” and with that I went up the ladder.
“I’ll meet up with you at the port then,” I heard Isaac call after me.
I turned my hair a blonde color before pushing the door up and crawling out of the sewers. I noticed a large crowd of people crowded in the city center. I was about to start searching for the port when cries of alarm sounded.
“Is that a dragon!?” someone shouted. I was running as I heard the loud voice of the dragon answer.
“I shall rain fire upon your town!” it roared. The ground shook and I heard crumbling rock behind me. I looked over my shoulder and saw the massive dragon ascend into the skies. He let out a fiery breath that sent a heat wave across my back. My heart raced as my adrenaline flowed. The crowd of people and everyone else in the town joined me in my run.
Get to the docks, I reminded myself as my feet pounded the pavement of the city streets. But I couldn’t see any sign of the port. I looked and looked, but saw nothing. Amidst my search, my foot caught on an uneven stone and I crashed to the ground. Thankfully with my mythril protected me from the fall and those who trampled over me.
Getting up wasn’t too difficult and once my feet were under me I was sprinting again. I fell once more a few minutes later and was able to regain my footing again. My lungs burned but fear kept me going. All I needed to do was get to the docks.
Thankfully the crowd I was running with all had the same idea; get to the docks. We rounded a corner and sails came into view. Hundreds of boats were all prepared for departure. I went to the nearest one and walked under the gangplank. I put my hair back to black and waited. I looked around seeing if I could spot Isaac.
After many minutes I walked back out into the crazed crowd. There was a mile or two to that port and people were frantically boarding ships. Some had even begun to set sail. When nearly half the boats had taken off, I could wait any longer. I figured if Isaac was looking for me, that if I casted flare, I’d get his attention since he could be floating above me somewhere.
The flare went off successfully. A few moments later I noticed someone floating in the sky. As it got closer I could see it was a young girl. Maybe 9 or 10, but she was coming right for me. Then my eyes focused on a more startling matter. Behind her was the red dragon flying right toward us!
Wherever Isaac was, I was done waiting! I turned around and jumped into the water. I swam as fast as I could, catching up to a boat and holding tight. Something about the forcefield last night had me convinced that single occupants would not be able to leave the city. Once the boat cleared the gates to the port, I then took off into the open waters, avoiding the other ships.
After 10 or so minutes of swimming I resurfaced. The city was quite the ways out though I could see clearly the dragon continuing to breath fire all over the town. There were mages there fighting back, but one could only hope they’d be able to maintain a strong force against such an ancient beast.
I took a moment to think of what I should do. Isaac was somewhere in the city. I hadn’t a clue where nor was I about to go back to find him. I knew I didn’t want to just leave without him, but I didn’t want to risk my life trying to find him either. He was a ghost and if he was killed or invisible, my search would be in vain.
My view of the city became interrupted suddenly by a familiar sight. The girl I saw flying toward me earlier was back. It was strange that this floating girl was still pursuing me. I withstood my ground, well place in the water, and watched her get closure. I was glad I had stayed put for once the girl was about 20 feet from me, I saw Isaac floating behind her.
“Isaac!” I shouted. I waved.
“I brought you a present,” he said. He then dropped the girl on top of me. With a splash the girl hit the water and myself.
“You’re a mermaid,” the girl asked despite my flopping around and trying to prevent her from drowning.
“At the moment yes,” I answered her before speaking to Isaac again, “Why is she a gift?”
“Because she doesn’t have a mom or dad. I thought you’d enjoy having another sister,” came his reply. My mouth dropped open a little. I could feel the girl hugging me to stay afloat. I didn’t want to hurt her feelings, but I wasn’t about to mislead her too. There was no way I could be a sister to anyone. It would mean getting too involved with them and too attached. How was it Isaac thought that that was a good idea?
“Um, no Isaac. We’ll find her some place to be, make sure she’s watched for, but I cannot raise her.”
“Oh,” the girl whimpered. Isaac kept quiet.
“Fine,” he said all defeated like.
“I’m sorry Isaac... I’m just not family material right now. Goodness, I thought you’d know that after everything you’ve learned about me,” I said somewhat heatedly. I assumed he was angry that I rejected his ‘gift’ but it was stupid. How was it he even thought I was prepared.
It may be over 3 month since that night with Meryth, but I know I’m not stable enough to be reliable nor is my life secure enough to provide safety. It still irritates me to think he thought that that would be a good gift for me.
Amidst my rejection of Isaac’s ‘gift’, from a far came a voice.
“Swim this way! We’ll help you!”
We all looked to the voice and saw a boat. I figured if they were willing to help us, then perhaps they’d be able to care for this girl. Swimming over to them was easy. They threw a rope over the edge to which I grabbed onto. I had switched my fin back into legs so the people on board wouldn’t think I was naturally a mermaid.
They were quite kind. Quickly we were given dry clothes (my ragged dress still strung about me). Thought the clothes were baggy, it was nice to be fully covered again and not have my mithril flashing in the sunlight.
Since being on the ship, I’ve gathered that we’re to head to the Man Kingdom. The only problem is we all were asked to contribute out money and jewelry to fund this expedition. After the Man Kingdom, we’d venture back down to the Gnomish Kingdom since the Man Kingdom seemed to be undergoing wars, but since the voyage would be a long one, there would need to be a common fund. At first I as well as everyone else, were for it. But then I remembered some of my jewelry is magical!
Oh, and before I get too carried away, there’s this old lady on the ship who is insanely rude and oppositional! I mean, I tried to console with her when everyone else was being particularly rude to her, but even my kind gestures was met with spite. Thankfully she was taken into her room and locked in, though later it made no sense why she ‘went along’ with the guards.
So yes, my jewelry is magical. I’d happily give up my Amulet of Wisdom and my Deflection ring, but my circlet? My Amulet of Health? My Draconic ring? No way was I going to part with them! Let alone if I unloaded my pockets, Szen’s circlet and the ring and pocket watch I got from him would certainly doom us all if I gave those up.
Isaac and I discussed in the privacy of our room, with the little girl there too, what we should do. I was determined to jump ship, but Isaac felt we should first take care of Szen’s circlet. I pulled it out and placed it on the floor. Isaac used  his ring to manipulate the clothe and expose the circlet. He tried to disintegrate it but nothing happened.
We were just about to try and summon it to the Ethereal plain so Isaac could place it in a lead box when the door opened. There were three men holding a bag. I assumed they were going around collecting the money and jewelry already. I wanted to run, but suddenly before my eyes was the image of Erythnul. His voice paralyzed me with fear to which I cowered in the corner. How was he here? I thought. I would have reached for my dagger to defend myself, but I was shaking too hard to have any control.
Araja, I heard someone call out for me. I peeked over the top of my hand and saw Isaac looking at me with concerned eyes.
“I-i-is he- gone?” I asked.
“I’m sorry, that was just me,” Isaac apologized.
“Oh my goodness! It is a ghost!” came voices from the door. Though Isaac said it was him who made the noise, when he began his moan again, I tried convincing myself it was just Isaac, but my fear of Erythnul overtook me again as images of Heinul danced before my eyes.
“STOP!” I wailed. I couldn’t breathe. I couldn’t move. It was one of the most helpless feelings I had felt in my life.
Finally the fog lifted and I was able to see Isaac hovering before me again. I took a few deep breathes and wiped my eyes. I was determined to get off the boat immediately before Isaac felt the need to scare more people. I looked to the circlet and saw it was gone. The girl was gone too.
“Isaac!” I screamed, “The girl and circlet are gone!” Without further prompting Isaac zipped out the door. I quickly examined the room to make sure I had my things. When I started for the door, I heard footsteps approaching. I stepped back, preparing to defend myself if I had to. Many guards and a cleric swarm into the room.
“Miss, are you alright?” a guard asked. Quickly I knew I would play innocent. I was more than confident isaac could manage himself and so didn’t care when I pretended to not know him.
“I’m fine,” I replied, throwing a quiver into my voice.
“Good. Do you know where the ghost went?” I actually hadn’t seen which why Isaac had gone out the door.
“I don’t know... it just left suddenly,” I cried, hugging myself as though I were frightened by the memory.
“It’s okay miss, we’ll take care of it, you have nothing to worry,” the guard assured me. I gave a quick nod of my head and soon they were gone. I waited a few moments before heading out into the hallways. We had to get the circlet back, yet I had to make sure I got off the boat before things got too crazy.
Unfortunately, things got crazy. As I walked down the hall toward the stairs that lead to the upper deck, a rumbling was heard. Screams soon followed and as I turned to look behind me, cows lowings could be heard as thundering hooves echoed up the stairs. I began to run as i saw the first of the cows stampeding toward me in the hallway. I still had 20 yards before I made it to the stairs and the cows were much swifter than myself.
Knowing I wouldn’t beat them, I jumped into a doorway. Surprisingly the door flew open and I lost my step, falling into the room as the first few cows ran past. In the next moment the door slammed shut; the knob missing.
“Oh, you’re back! I suppose to try and comfort me? Well bug off!” the old woman snapped at me. I didn’t want to deal with her, but until I could open the door, there was no choice.
“Why are you even in my room. Can’t you knock?”
“Ma’am, it was not by choice!” I snapped, “Now there’s a stampede of cows still out there,” some splashing sounds could be heard now, “and from the sounds of it are jumping ship! I will do my best to leave you alone as soon as I can get the door opened!”
“Don’t you get smart with me!” the old woman seethed, “I’m tired of you young folk thinking I’m weak!” She then pushed past me and ripped the door off its hinges. I looked wide eyed at the woman, alarmed by her strength.
“And who might you be?” she snapped, “And what is that?”
“Oh, put me on her!” a familiar accented voice asked. I lurked for the door to get a better view. Isaac stood in the hallway with a floating watermelon. On the watermelon was the circlet. “Even better, put me back on Araja!”
The old lady suddenly burst into laughter.
“My that is probably the most amusing thing I’ve seen in ages! How did you make it do that?”
“The circlet possess the wearer,” Isaac informed the woman. My mouth dropped open. I was already nervous about the circlet being right there with the old lady present. Having witnessed some of her strength, I was most certain that we’d be unable to overpower her if she tried to take it.
Isaac then dropped the watermelon. The fruit bursted upon impact into many bits and pieces. I screamed isaac’s name as the old woman picked the circlet up. I was sure she was about to place it upon herself when she suddenly knocked the door across the hall down. A man jumped, startled by the intrusion. The old woman grabbed him and placed the circlet on his head.
I watched the rings pierce the man’s head. He barely got out a scream before he collapsed in the woman’s arms.
“Huh, must not work on him,” she said. In one swift motion, she yanked the circlet from the man’s head and dropped him on the floor. She moved to the next door and knocked it down. Quickly I lunged at her. I wasn’t about to let her doom us all to Szen’s power. I wrapped my arms about her and endured her spiteful words. I found my strength as the thought of this woman being able to crush me, if she got her hands on me, triggered my adrenaline. I saw Isaac jerk the circlet from her hands and once he was safely up the stairs, I teleported myself to the base of the stairway and ran up them with all my might.
The edge of the boat came into view and without a second thought, I lept over it, changing into a mermaid. My pants ripped and I could careless. I was finally off that wretched ship.
I swam back to shore a ways off from the city that was still glowing with the fire of the dragon and those wizards who were still fighting. I sat on a rock waiting for Isaac. He found me a few minutes later to which he wasted no more time in securing the circlet. He transported it to the Ethereal plain and secured it in the lead box with the anti magic stone.
Finally a moment of peace washed over me. Here was hoping that the box would contain Szen until we knew how to permanently destroy the circlet. Hopefully tonight’s rest would go undisturbed too.

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