Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Day 78: The Ethereal Plains pt. 2: What a Nice Bunch of Drow

Previous Entry

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From what I could tell inside the luggage, it was dark, I didn’t have to breathe, and ever so often I would feel something brush up against me. I couldn’t tell how long I had been in there, but I was very much angry with Isaac for having placed me in the luggage. Who was to say how long I’d be in there. Thankfully I was let out at some length of time. I felt the velvety tongue wrap around me once more and the sense of being swept up. The firm ground soon was felt under my feet and the first thing I registered in my line of sight was Isaac.
“You!” I shouted and tried to swing at him. Being disoriented still, I took too shallow of a step and I missed Isaac. I then grew my wings and flew up a few feet ready to curse at Isaac a little for trapping me against my will when I heard something from behind. I turn around and see a swarm of people coming toward us on Hippogriffs.
“Who are they?” I asked, feeling alarmed.
“Some Asterial Drow,” Jessica responded.
As the Drow approached us they called out warmly to us. They were perplexed by our presence in the Ethereal plains. They stated that they traveled in a well barricaded fortress, pointing in the direction they came from. Compared to them, we were exposed and looking like ‘fresh fruit’ ready for the picking. I looked to Isaac upon hearing how the Ethereal plain was very dangerous.
“Where have you taken us Isaac!?” and “You took us to a dangerous place!?” Rekka and I spoke simultaneously. Isaac seemed to ignore us, pulling out a book and began to browse through it. Rekka and I looked at each other, both of equally miffed by Isaac’s indifference to our concern.
“So, anything strange happen here lately?” Rekka asked.
“You guys are pretty strange,” one of the Drow said, “Other than that, we’re just trying to get past the dragon lands.”
“There’s Dragons here?” Cortanna blurted out. The Drow just gave her a confused look. I kept my mouth shut. I too was very unaware of the creatures that lived in the Ethereal plain. The Drow found our uninformed selves humoring.
“Well, how about you come travel with-” one of the Drow began to say before being cut off. A flare lit in the sky in the shape of a dragon. The Drow looked to us, “Come with us if you want to live!” the stated.
Isaac then put down his book.
“Why?” he asked.
“Dragon!” was the response he got. We all took off running. Raæin was gracious enough to let me ride him and Isaac casted haste on the group. The Asterial Drow encircled us, protecting us from the on coming dragon. I could see it dragon in the distance. The dragon sent out a beam of ice at the fortress. A force field of some sort protected the fortress from the attack. Now the question I had to wonder was would we make it there before the dragon saw us?
The dragon attacked a few more times before it finally penetrated the force field. As it swung back around to enter into the fortress, it then took notice of our group. Immediately it swooped down and landed in front of us. The giant beast was so alarming and frightening that we came to a halt instantly. I could see it’s silvery color and immediately something in my mind told me that something was wrong about what was happening. I mean in the sense that my first assumptions of the situation were wrong.
The dragon then let out a mighty roar and said something that sent the Asterial Drows scattering in all directions to get away. They were clearly terrified of the dragon and for good reason too.The Drow seemed like they would be defenders for us, but their conviction was very feeble once face to face with the good aligned dragon. The beast took no second look at us and took off after the Drow and their fortress.
“Huh,” Isaac said, “Apparently the dragon just saved us.” I had figured as much. Still, we waited a moment longer for Isaac to explain, “Oh. Um, it sounds like these Asterial Drows are slave traders.”
We didn’t take a second to discuss our next course of action. If they were attempting to trick us, then we’d defend the dragon that saved us. Cortanna had her weapon handle out and took off running toward the fortress. Raæin and I soon followed. There was something quite exhilarating about riding into battle on Raæin. Once in the fortress I flew off him and charged into a Drow, killing him. The chaos was intense as the Drow focused on the dragon in the middle of their fort. I went from building to building killing Drow while Raæin focused on the ones on the ground. I got really worried at one point when I noticed the dragon becoming bloodied. Then a fog appeared around the dragon and I renewed my focus to continue to take out the other Drow since the fog would help protect the beast.
I enjoyed tossing a few of my fireball spheres at swarms of Drow. Later I saw Isaac take out two mages that were unaffected by my fireball attacks. Suddenly the dragon sprayed a cone of ice at a group of Drow before attacking with his claws another group. Pretty soon the fight that was going on in the fortress was over. The fog left, hippogriffs and Asterial Drow bodies littered the fortress, and the dragon healed right before our eyes. Once healed he made himself comfortable and began to eat the Drow.
“Oh how I hate these slave traders!” the Dragon said between bites, “Always going around ‘helping’ those traveling in the Ethereal Plains. Granted, they are right about it not being the safest form of travel, I assume they told you that correct?” The dragon asked us. We nodded, “Well then, where are you folks headed to?” We explain that we are trying to go to my home continent, “You plan on using the Ethereal Plain the whole way? That is quite the risk you are taking. Besides, what are you planning on finding there?”
There was some silence. Would explaining our situation really matter to the dragon?
“Does the name Pendral ring a bell to you?” Rekka asked. The dragon’s eyes narrow on her.
“This Pendral and another name, Lupik, have been mentioned around here in association to stealing our eggs,” the dragon said menacingly, “And these slave traders assist them in this work and all I can say is us Gold and Silver dragons are furious about all of this!”
“We can tell you Pendral is dead, but Lupik in fact is another person we are going after. He’s in power still and is creating an army of werewolves,” Isaac said.
“Aw yes, I recall hearing about the increase in werewolves. But worst yet, that which is most maddening, is hearing about how our young are being corrupted! Is that something you’ve heard of?” the dragon asked. I wondered if the dragon we killed back at Podunk happened to be one of their young...
“Hey Araja, wasn’t Raæin being corrupted when we found him?” Rekka asked me before I could ponder further on the dragon. The silver dragon, seeing Rekka pointing at Raæin, let out a mighty roar. It was so loud, I could feel my head rattle a bit. The sky over head darken and it felt as though I was about to black out, but just then other dragons began to appear. They were silver and gold in color. They stayed above and continued to circle about us.
“We will go and investigate this Lupik,” the siliver dragon said decidedly, “If he is truly doing what we’ve just discussed, then he will no longer be,” the dragon declared. A sense of relief rushes through me. That would be one less person to deal with if they are able to find evidence. Let alone the sheer number of dragons was astounding. These mature creatures were more than capable of taking out Lupik if it came to that.
“Is there anything else you’ve heard about Lupik!?” Isaac called out, shouting over the sound of wings.
“No. Just that he’s behind taking our young,” the silver dragon said. He then took off to the sky. We watched the horde of dragons follow him. A portal opens up and soon all the dragons are no longer visible. As they disappeared, I suddenly had a sinking feeling. Would they be capable of just taking Lupik out? Or did we suddenly send an army of dragons to slaughter a nation for the crimes of one man?
It was then eerily quiet. Isaac the luggage to collect the bodies. While the luggage did that, Isaac then went to a control panel on the building he was on.
“Looks like I found what operates this contraption,” Isaac said. He hunched over it and the memory of him tinkering with the controls for the Plainer Portal came to mind.
With the worry that came to mind as the dragons disappeared, I knew I had to busy myself to not continue to fret about it. I felt my stomach grumble then. I was reminded that I had to find sustenance now that I was without my rations. I went off exploring the place since it looked like it was meant to accommodate a large number of people. I was bound to find food right?
Sure enough there was a large cupboard like area that was stocked with food. Fresh fruit and vegetables, meats, drinks. The food was plentiful, so I grabbed some things I could readily eat at the moment. Part of me wondered how long the fresh food would last.
“Hey Raæin,” I said between bites of an apple, “How long was I in the luggage?” Raæin thought for a moment.
“Roughly 8 hours.”
“What!” I exclaimed. I had lost 8 hours of this day! I then hurried back out to the main floor of the fortress to look at the sky. The sky was dark, which I hadn’t noticed much considering the way the Ethereal Plain looked made everything a hazy glow. Right when I was beginning to accept that it was late enough for 8 hours to have passed, the whole fortress jerked. The buildings all around began to slide into the ground. Raæin thankfully had followed me out.
Soon Isaac, Cortanna, Rekka and Jessica were on the same ground as me and Raæin, the fortress completely melding into the ground. All that was left was the control panel in front of Isaac. I was disappointed for a moment that he lost the fortress, though I was thankful I had at least grabbed some food to eat. Just as I accepted the loss of the fortress, the ground began to rumble and soon the buildings of the fortress began to rise again. In no time everything of the fortress was back. Then before I could feel secure about the fortress staying, I felt it rumble and lift up. I was impressed that it could float. Then it began to move really fast! I kept my balance, but no sooner had I gained my feet under me, we crashed. I still had my wings out and so was able to brace myself in the air.
“Isaac!” I heard Rekka shout before continuing to yell in some language that sounded like halfling. I went to her aid since the crash had made her fall off the building she was on. Isaac continued to tinker about, unconcerned with our welfare. I let Rekka go brood and I decided that I might as well get a full meal in me before Isaac really destroyed the place.
Once I was done eating, I went back out to the group to see Isaac away from the controls.
“Find anything interesting?” he called out to me.
“Just the kitchen,” I responded.
“Well then, we were musing over if we should go help the dragon’s or continue on to your home town,” Isaac explained.
“The dragon’s, I’m sure, are more than capable of handling Lupik on their own. I think we should stick to the plan and see what answers can be found in Rehm,” I responded. Then with no further discussion Isaac went back to the controls and presses a button. The fortress once more lifted up and begins to move once more. I hugged the floor as I feel it pick up speed. I looked to Isaac and could see he looked more sure of himself this time, but I didn’t trust him enough to stand up yet. It took about five minuts before I got to my feet, feeling Isaac truly had a clue now about how to fly the fortress.
We still had a long ways to go, but what else could be done while we traveled? Journaling for me and I suppose organizing my gear... Raæin laid next to my bed on a make-shift nest of excess beds and blankets that were not being used by the masses. Seeing we were alone, I decided to let him in on information I had told Isaac a few weeks ago.
“Raæin?” I asked. He opens an eye and looks at me, “I don’t know when, but I plan on... ‘praying’ to Heironious at some point. I had planned on breaking from the group if we had continued through the woods to Lupik, to do this but now we’re off to a place that is rumored dangerous. I also suspect...” I stopped. I didn’t want to worry Raæin with my suspicion that this would very well be a suicide mission but then again, if I didn’t come back, someone best know, “I might not return from  inquiring after him. Now I don’t mean to tell you this to worry you, but don’t try to talk me out of it for I must do this else I’ll be burden with this confusion that is in me, unsure as to what I want to believe,” I said, possibly sounding a little rude. Raæin was kind in listening and seemed to follow everything I said.
“Araja,” his warm voice began, “I will not hold you back from finding your answers. Good luck and may the odds be in your favor.”
I smiled at my friend. Raæin continues to instill in me a sense of confidence. Granted, I know my desire to seek out Heironious could very well be a bad idea, but the fact is he lets me think for myself and doesn’t point out all the flaws or problems that I already know exist. 
So with the excess time I have, I’ll be pondering what exactly I want to say to Heironious. What is it I truly want to know? I suppose if anything, part of me hopes that the whole Heironious and Erythnul working together and my sister or Malfeiya’s involvement is just one huge misunderstanding.

Next Entry

Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Day 78: The Ethereal Plains pt. 1

Previous Entry

Baer 17th, 4288:  78 Days in the mortal realm

A few days after arriving back in Hommlet and helping them rebuild, I figured it was time to try and hand over my wealth. I disguised as my blonde elf because I figured it might be better if I talked to Burne, Rufus, and Jaroo about the generous donation I was about to make. I got them together and pulled out my notes, explaining what their use was to be for. They looked at me and seemed somewhat thrilled by the donation, but they did make one crucial note; if they could find the wealth, it’d be appreciated.
Later I returned to my normal disguise and continued about working. By the way, in those first few days, the town was really coming together. Burne’s and Rufus’s tower was nearly rebuilt, considering how the destruction of the temple had destroyed what they had rebuilt when my party and I first arrived in Hommlet. I attributed the surge in rebuilding to the magic of the lyre Barrok had given me.
After those first few days. the rebuilding the rest of the week came about at a more normal rate for the number of people who were there and available to work. Once the new week started Jessica attempted the Lyre again but unfortunately wasn’t able to play more than an hour. At least for the day there was a surge in productiveness.
Also, during our time in Hommlet, Rekka gave Raæin a circlet that was just like mine. Apparently she had got it as a gift for Brier so she could communicate with us more easily, but with the sudden disappearance of the beast, she thought Raæin might like it. He accepted the gift, though I don't know if he'd ever use it.
Now as for today, a lot has happened. Gideon, Isaac and Cortanna returned a lot sooner than I thought they would. Cortanna went to get her hide dealt with while Isaac informed us that the ruins were a volcano. Apparently the volcano was linked to the temple we just destroyed. Isaac said that it was becoming active and destroying the ruins. For all he knew, it could very well erupt any day and destroy the town. Rekka, Jessica, and I looked at him dumbfounded. All our hard work and now it was to be destroyed again! I told him he best march up to Jaroo and tell him everything and see if he could possibly prevent the eruption since he was a druid. Isaac quickly went off and did that.
I kept myself busy by helping some of the folk assemble a building. As I went and gathered more wood, I caught sight of Jaroo and a bunch of other druids leaving a while later. They all seemed grim. How I hoped they could prevent the volcano from erupting.
Isaac gathered us all together to discuss where to go. Cortanna said it wouldn’t be until morning before her things would be ready. Not knowing how much time we had before the volcano’s destructive forces would be unleashed, Cortanna decided to pick her armor and shield up the next time we came across Barrok.
Gideon informed us that he was going to stay behind in Hommlet to help out. We said our goodbyes right as we felt the earth shake beneath our feet. We looked to each other and knew we needed to get moving. I couldn’t help but pity the folk we were about to leave behind. May Jaroo and those other druids that went with him find success in taming that volcano.
Isaac then took us into the Ethereal plains. I had never experienced that plain before. I could see parts of the mortal realm but it was all wispy. Isaac said it was a faster way to travel. Considering we had to travel to the other side of the continent, the Ethereal plain would definitely save us time.
There was excitement and apprehensiveness knowing we were headed to my home land, my home town. Was it to be as wild as the Clerics at Sardik suggested it being or would I find familiar sights. Would my home still be there?
As we traveled Rekka spotted some beings that I recognized as Yuan’ti. I had heard tales of them and they were in the books I had read in the Kingdom. They had captives and knowing how vile those creatures were, I had no qualms in attacking them. Cortanna oddly enough suggested killing the captives since they could very well be evil. I told her until the captive prove themselves as evil, there was no evidence against them. However the Yuan’ti were preparing them for sacrifice and had to be stopped.
Raæin and I charged in without much hesitation. The ten Yuan’ti present were little trouble for our group. In the heat of the fight, one of the surviving snake like folk grabbed one of the captives and killed her. He then grabbed another and threatened to kill him if we didn’t back off. As much as I didn’t want another soul to die, I wasn’t about to back down. I gave Raæin a look and subtly jerked my head toward the Yuan’ti. The Unicorn, in a graceful bound, leapt toward the Yuan’ti and gored him. The snake like folk was dead before he could react and the captive made it away safely.
Shrieks of pain rent the air suddenly. I clasped my hands over my ears. I looked around a moment later and found over two dozen dead Yuan’ti sprawled about around me and those of us in the encampment. Isaac had seen the invisible folk and used a spell that killed them all instantly. I was impressed with Isaac’s strength.
We freed the captives from their shackles and went back to the mortal plain. We found we were in the mountains to the west of Podunk. We informed the group (who happened to be a traveling circus) that the mountains had Goblins in them that were friendly. Some of the members were less than thrilled to be in Goblin territory even though we assured them that they were friendly.
Seeing how destitute the performers were, I offered my Dwarven ring of sustenance to the group. I forgot to mention the flavor that came with the ring and the half elf that put it on quickly found out. He wasn’t thrilled by it, stating it tasted like Dwarf. The orc then took it and seemed to find it very enjoyable. I then gave them the rest of my rations, expressing to my party a stop at a town would be needed since I was then out of food. I also noted how I ought to invest in a ring of sustenance that had no aftertaste of mead. Isaac also handed over 2 other Dwarven rings of sustenance before we bid them farewell.
It was about 1pm in the afternoon. After walking a good distance from the performers we discussed briefly whether we should make camp. A very interesting predicament suddenly came to mind. Everyone, except Raæin and myself, needed at most 2 hours of sleep. Would everyone just wait around while Raæin and I slept our full 8 hours or was there a way we could travel so each of us were able to get our full rest without holding the group back?
Isaac summoned his luggage and asked it to make a bed. The luggage opened it’s mouth. I look in and the creature had a very comfortable looking bed in it’s depths. I asked if he would keep his mouth open the whole time? Isaac said he could. I then was nervous that somehow Isaac was trying to trick me. Then, sounding exasperated, Isaac told the luggage to put me away. The velvet tongue of the luggage shot out at me. I was able to dodge it, but the velvety appendage got me on the way back, my scream of ‘Isaac’ being nothing more than squeak as darkness consumed me.

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Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Day 68: Needed Relief

Previous Entry

Baer 7th, 4288: 68 Days in the mortal realm

When I woke up this morning, I saw everyone was sitting around looking grim. I went about, preparing my breakfast before sitting down with the group.
“I want to go back to Hommlet,” I said. The group looked at me, confused by my request. “I have a handful of notes on me and would like to go back to see if I could get some of my wealth back while donating most of it for the destruction that kind is our fault,” I explained.
“I ought to go back too. I left all my gear there,” Rekka said.
“Well, I think while we’re here we ought to go check on the hidesman down in the ruins,” Cortanna pitched in, “I don’t want to leave without getting that dragon’s hide and making it into a shield.”
“Cortanna, how long do you think it’ll take for the hide to be made into a shield and armor?” I asked. She thought for a moment.
“Probably 2 weeks.”
“Awesome. How about you, and whoever else wants to go down, check on the hidesman. Then you can meets up with Raæin, Rekka and I (and whoever else) back in Hommlet,” I suggested. Nods of approval were all around.
“Again, I assume 2 weeks. I don’t know how long I might be down in the ruins, but I would think Barrok and Billy will be able to whip something up right quick once we got back to Hommlet,” Cortanna noted. I didn’t care if it took a month. The more time I had to assist the town in rebuilding the better. Plus, who knew if Barrok and Billy were still there considering the blacksmith disappeared after making our silvered weapons back in Podunk.
“Before we split up," I began. I wanted us to have a plan of what we're to do after taking care of Cortanna's dragon hide and fixing Hommlet, "another important thing to keep in mind. Do we still want to go to Lupik? I’ve had a thought that maybe we should go to my home lands. We're not strong enough yet to take on a bunch of werewolves in Lupik. Rekka doesn't want to go there either,
"You see, what I was told from the Clerics at my trial," something I forgot to write down, "Malfeiya was buried hundreds of years ago in Threll. They then showed me a map. After pointing out where Threll was, they asked where I was from. The land I claimed to be from, France, was saidto be on a continent that no one had ever laid foot on, or if they had, they never came back. It's wild and untamed, as they put it," Jessica nodded, agreeing with the Clerics.
"I propose we try and go find my home. Along the way we could ask the towns we visit if they know of Lupik. If they do, let us see what their views on him are. Maybe we are the only ones who have an issue. What if the rest of the world thinks he’s great? If we're lucky, we'll uncover evidence of his tyranny and hopefully be better equipped to take him down by then," I concluded. Everyone pondered for a moment. With no objections made, we concluded that we'd set off for France, currently known as the Wetland Jungles, once we regrouped in Hommlet.
Jessica ended up coming with me, Raæin and Rekka back to Hommlet. Gideon, Cortanna, and Isaac stayed behind to check on the hidesman, Rekka turned into a dragon to make quick time back to town. Before Hommlet could come into view, she landed and switched out of her morphed dragon form. I disguised myself as a brunette Elf again before entering the town. That was whom the exchanger saw me as at first and she was the person I wanted to find.
I should have figured I wasn’t about to get any of my wealth back. The town was just in disarray. Buildings blown down. Trees, wood, rocks, furniture, trash and other debris littered and blocked the streets. The exchanger’s building was completely destroyed. People were moving about cleaning the mess up and helping those injured. I ducked behind a building that was unoccupied by a swarm of people and disguised back into my usual disguise. I joined back into the hub-bub of the towns people.
It was heart breaking seeing the people rushing about fixing the mess we had made. Hearing the cries of those mourning over the loss of their loved ones. It mades me wonder if we really did them any good. Sure the temple was destroyed, but at what cost? It just didn’t seem fair. Then a strange thought came to me. If Barrok was still in town... was there possibly something he might have that could undo the destruction?
I looked to the blacksmith shop and was pleased to see it there. In fact it looked as though nothing had effected it in the least. I walked in, looked around to see if I could spot Barrok and was pleased to see him and Billy in there.
“Hello again,” Barrok called out to me, “More questions?” he tagged on jokingly. I was done with receiving riddled answers anyways,
“Nope. I’m here on a  more serious note. As I’m sure you know, Hommlet is in disarray and I have a inquiry. By chance do you have anything that could fix the town. Help undo what was done?” I asked. I suppose that was a question... but not the kind of question I assume he was teasing me about. Barrok thought for a moment then moved to the back room. A few moments later he brought me a Lyre. I was slightly perplexed by it.
“Play this for at least an hour and it will help with the rebuilding of Hommlet. The more hours you play it, the stronger the magic becomes, yet the more difficult it becomes to play. Once you are unable to play it any more, you must wait a week before the magic comes back. So good luck.” Barrok said handing the Lyre to me. Though there was some underlying annoyance I had with Barrok, I could help but like him and all the help he had given me and my party. He was generous despite the lack of concrete answers he gave me.
“Thank you Barrok. The town will be grateful I’m sure,” I said. I then ducked out to go find Jessica since she obviously was more musically talented than I.
I spotted Rekka and Jessica sifting through some debris around where the Welcoming Wench kind of stood. I hurried over to them and could see a handful of maps and Rekka looking quite grim.
“Jessica,” I said as I approached, “I have something that’ll help the town,” I show her the Lyre. She looked at it appraisingly, unsure how the instrument would help. I explained what Barrok told me. Then without another word she went and found a spot and got comfortable. While she played I look back to what Rekka was sifting through. It was a lot of her gear; maps, her magical tent, and other things needed for our travels.
“Well, I plan on staying around here until the party catches up. What are you and Jessica thinking you’ll do?” I asked. Rekka looked at me as though I was daft.
“Help obviously,” her snide, adolescent voice informed.
“No need to be rude. I just wasn’t sure what you and Jessica were going to do once you got your stuff back,” I responded. “I’m going to go look for the exchanger and help around, I’ll meet back up with you and Jessica later okay?” Rekka gave me a polite nod while continuing to organize her things.
I wandered for a bit when I noticed by where the exchanger’s building was, was a group of clerics and townsfolk. I hurried over and could see it was Nira. She had a beam stuck in her and everyone was doing their best to carefully get her unstuck. I whipped out my healing belt in case extra healing was needed. We’re able to get the beam out of her and immediately the Cleric’s rushed in. With all the excitement, I knew it would be a few days before I should address her about my wealth, if it was there.
The rest of the day basically consisted of all of us cleaning. Jessica was able to play the Lyre for about 4 hours before she had to stop. There was a noticeable difference in the first day. It as though there many more folk about helping the town assemble back together. Rekka had her tent up to give shelter for those injured and without a home.
And now I conclude. After hours of going about getting the people and town cleaned up, I am leaning up against Raæin, enjoying the moment of relaxation. I suspect the next few weeks will consist of the same things that I did today.

Friday, November 15, 2013

Day 67: 4 Wishes Later... Hommlet Lays in Waste in Our Wake

Previous Entry

Baer 6th, 4288: 67 Days in the mortal realm

I suppose there is little comfort to take in at the end of this day... Another town destroyed... well mostly... I know tomorrow I’ll go back to Hommlet to see if I can salvage any of my wealth, while donating almost all of it to the town to rebuild.
So how did we manage to destroy Hommlet too? Well, it wasn’t quite the same way we messed Podunk up. However a deity was involved. Y’dey, a Cleric, was definitely involved in something sinister. She was trying to release Eryth (the female version of Erythnul) from her prison in the evil temple.
However, before I go head strong into that, there was another matter we dealt with just before Y'dey. Raæin still was missing from the stables. Cortanna and I went out to check on our equestrian friends and found a crowd of disgruntled folk. The reason for the discord was due to the dead horses and bodies of people in there. Granted, Brier wasn’t there, but I suspected this was her doing, being a nightmare and all. We asked what was going on, trying to be honestly concerned. The most anyone knew was it had to have been some kind of attack, seemingly by a beast.
We quickly made our leave and went back in to report to everyone about what had happened. Rekka, whom I assume returned during the night, was quite miffed about her horses being killed. Cortanna suspected Raæin was dead considering his absence still from the stables and assuming Brier truly had something to do with it. I reminded her that his barrier would prevent her from getting close to him. Isaac then whipped out the Maurder's map to see if Raæin even showed up. Sure enough he was in the woods, near a river, which I thought was quite odd.
I quickly took off to find what Raæin was up to, the rest of the party on my tail. When we got to Raæin I could see him laying down next to the river, not moving. I rushed to him and saw hoof marks all over him. I whipped out my belt of healing and was able to heal Raæin some to bring him about. Tears were in my eyes because I felt like I neglected him. I should have gone looking for him immediately! How fortunate he was still alive!
“Raæin, what happened?” I asked cautiously, unsure if Raæin would hold me accountable for what clearly looked like Briers marks all over him. The Unicorn grunted a little as he prepared to tell me what had transpired.
“Brier asked me to make some water for her. She left her stall so I could go in and make it for her. However, I suspect she knew the water wasn’t quite right. See, as I was creating it, I could see her reflection right as she knocked a trough of water on me. I then could feel her attacking me and... now I’m here?” Raæin said, seeming perplexed by where he was.
The anger in me and the guilt I felt for not having heeded Raæin’s distaste for Brier made me want to punch something! I balled my fists and looked to Cortanna.
“Cortanna,” I said curtly, “I’m not mad at you. But if I ever see Brier again, she's dead!” I declared. I stroked Raæin’s head, apologizing to him for being a fool.
“What did she do?” Cortanna asked accusingly, like I had judged wrong.
“Do you not see the marks all over him!? Did you not just hear what Raæin said!?" I had forgotten Raæin and I were speaking Sylvan, "Sorry," I muttered," Apparently your ‘horse’ dumped the cursed water all over him and proceeded to beat the crap out of him!” I stated. I continued to fret over Raæin while the rest quietly watched. Soon there was a rustle in the bushes behind us. A guard from town, who was at the stables, followed us. He asked what was wrong with the Unicorn and we attempted to give a truthful story that didn’t tie us back to the stables incident. The guard didn’t seem to by the feeble story of ‘whatever happened in the stable, my Unicorn was able to get away.' He informed us we ought to stick to what it was we were asked to do and then probably head out of town. I felt a bit miffed at the guard for judging us so quickly. It wasn’t like we sicked Brier on all those beasts.
Gideon healed Raæin to full health before we all gathered back in town to execute Isaac’s plan. We gathered all of Hommlet's town Elders and went to the jail. Isaac stood in the jail cell while the rest of the us stood outside it ready to strike once Isaac wished Y'dey there. The Hellbred then made the wish to which it was punctuated by a shrill scream saying, “NOOO!!” An explosion followed the scream to which I remember being flung back and against the hard ground. The memory is haunting. The building laid in ruin around us. Isaac, Jessica and Burne were dead. With all the carnage, I could see Hubert laying near Isaac’s body. I quickly rushed over to him, my ears ringing with the scream of Y’dey.
“Hubert!” I said frantically, “I wish Isaac never made the wish he just wished!” Suddenly Hubert disappeared from my hand and the world around me shifted. I blinked my eyes and suddenly could hear Isaac wishing again.
“Stop!” I yelled, almost on the verge of tears from the horror I saw moments before. Every eye was on me and with fear pumping through me I barely was able to sputter out how he, Burne and Jessica had died as a result of the wish. Isaac asked Hubert how many wishes he had and was informed he had 2 left. Isaac then sheathed Hubert, clearly disappointed. The party and I took off for Nulb to take care of Y’dey and the temple the 'hard' way.
As we approached Nulb, Soap appeared on the map. We made our way toward him. Rekka, whom had a new set of eyes now (probably why she was gone all night long), told us that she could see a Cleric was tied up to a stake, Soap preparing a fire. We quickly intercepted the attempt Soap was making to burn the Cleric. Gideon and I attacked, I hitting Soap with the handle of my weapon to knock him out. Soap tried to attack back, but Gideon hit him squarely to which he finally went down. He was quite gory but alive. I wanted to revive him enough to get answers about what he was doing, but Gideon finished him off saying it was obvious what his evil intentions were. Everyone else didn’t seem to care, which bothered me.
We untied the Cleric and he was a blubbering mess. He sputtered about how he thought that party he was with were his friends and that he might have been able to have been a good influence on them.
Isaac asked where the others had gone off to and the Cleric motioned to the fire. It was enchanted to conceal the entrance of the temple. Isaac then sent the Cleric off on a Rhinoceros and summoned a peculiar chest. Was animated and had characteristics of a dog. Isaac asked it for gloves of disintegration. The luggage coughed up some gloves to which Isaac placed them on. A green light shot out the tip of his gloved finger, making the fire disappear and revealing the entrance to the temple. As we head down, Isaac makes a comment that if we wanted anything, if we asked for it, chances were the luggage had it.
The temple had 3 levels to it. The first 2 levels had three rooms each. Each room had an elemental theme of some sort. The first room had a dead Earth Elemental, while the second had memfits all entranced by a glowing orb and the third room was full of water. I and Raæin transformed into Mermaids (Rekka had given the Unicorn a circlet like mine since she had promised Brier one and she’s no where to be found). We didn't get too far down before we were attacked by a giant octopus. It followed us back to the top, Isaac getting grappled by it. No sooner had he disappeared under the water, the octopus was then thrusted out of the water and into the stone ceiling above. It's bloody bits fell back into the pool of water.
The Elders had mentioned that each room held a stone that was needed to destroy the temple. So far, each room held no stone. Our only clue was the empty crevice that indicated some kind of rock or ruin had been taken.
We went off into another room after the pool was thoroughly explored for the stone we needed. The new room was completely on fire. The luggage had gloves that can keep Isaac safe from the fire (and every other element for that matter. So he and Raæin were the only ones who could go into the fire room. While in there imps appeared. After dealing with the imps, Isaac and Raæin came back from around a corner. Isaac informed us that there was a dragon but he had managed to get rid of it on his own. I shook my head. The winnings he had aquired were clearly to his advantage.
Anyways soon we encountered an air room, an electric room, and an acid room. The electric room was interesting enough. Just as Isaac was about to kick down the door Rekka broke into hysterics. She started yelling at him to stop. Isaac asked why and she explained that everyone except her and Cortanna died at the hands of Iron Golems. She mentioned how the whole room was electrified. Apparently I had touched the floor and nearly died right then and there from the electric shock. Isaac had then rusted all the metal surfaces. The electrcity disappeared, but the room flooded with Iron Golems. Isaac checked with Hubert and sure enough he was down to 1 wish. I smiled thinking about earlier. For a moment everyone had thought it farfetched when I said some of them had died in the explosion from Isaac’s wish.
We finished clearing the final rooms, collecting 3 stones in the process. Isaac had also gained the previous 4 stones, that we noticed missing in the other rooms, from his encounter with the dragon. With the 7 stones, we continued down to the lowest level of the temple. It was very dark. Even my eyes couldn't see what was before us.
“Y’dey, explain yourself,” Isaac called out.
“Hmm? You’re not my slave,” a feminine voice answered. I casted lights in the room so we could see. There was no one there... I then remembered the water from Hommlet and figured my invisible sight was currently under the influence of the water.
Isaac suddenly attacked, hitting something. A few moments later a woman, whom I could only assume at the time was Y’dey, appeared. Quickly all of us closed in on her and attacked. I let off two spells with a single of my halberd which brought Y’dey to her knees. Isaac then paralyzed her and placed the collar of command around her neck. He then structs her to not attack or cast spells upon us. She remained, glowering at Isaac.
“Tells us what you’re doing here or else!” Isaac demanded. Y’dey continued to glare at him. She then pursed her lips and let out an exasperated sigh.
“I was trying to unlock this temple to appease my Goddess,” she confessed.
“Who’s your Goddess?” I asked. She looked at me and remained silent.
“Look Y’dey, either you talk or I kill you,” Isaac said. Y’dey continued to hold her tongue. Isaac grabbed Hubert and lifted the enormous sword above his head. Just as he began to swing forward Y’dey broke.
“Stop stop STOP!!” she hollered, shielding her head. She let out an exasperated sigh, “Her name is Eryth.”
“Eryth? Like short for Erythnul?” I asked.
“No,” Y’dey responded, “Erythnul was bi-gendered. He split and I was trying to free the female side of it.”
“Why not serve Erythnul? He’s not contained,” I went on. Y’dey scoffed at me.
“Erythnul is the god of hate, envy, and slaughter. Eryth is the goddess of jealousy, beauty, and vengeance and killing people for those things,” she added with a smile. Her face then darkened again as she looked to Isaac, “Please let me release her!”
“You will not release her,” Isaac commanded to Y’dey’s obvious contempt, “However, I would like to know if you have any followers.”
“Yes,” Y’dey says through pursed lips.
“How many are in Hommlet?” Cortanna blurted out.
“Can you communicate with them?” Isaac asked.
“I can’t stop what I haven't started considering I’m not allowed to cast spells,” Y’dey snidely remarked.
“Oh good,” Isaac said, “Now tell us, who all in town are involved.”
Y’dey was clearly livid. She reluctantly disclosed with us all those involved. The grocers, some beggars, the wheel wright family, and a few others. Once everyone’s questions were answered, Isaac asked Rekka to turn Y’dey to stone, figuring she could at least be preserved for further questioning. He then command his trunk to eat her. I knew he meant to have the trunk just store her... but the trunk lived to the meaning of the word and ate the stone form of Y’dey. Perhaps if we need info from her, we'll piece her back together.
We then proceeded to destroy the symbols. Gideon had acquired some rings from the Cleric at St. Cuthbert who presented this task to him. They had the same kind of symbols as the stones we collected. When matched with the correct symbol, the two melded together and crumpled into nothingness. After destroying all the symbols the temple begins to crumble under our feet. We start to run but the temple was crumbling faster than we could move. Isaac told us to grab him. With a hand barely touching one of his horns, he wished us back to Hommlet’s town square. We stood stunned for a moment as we foudn ourselves back in Hommlett. The wind around us was headed in the direction of Nulb... and it was getting stronger. Jaroo came running over to us.
“What did you do?” He asked.
“We destroyed the temple,” we admitted. He looked in the direction of Nulb. With an exasperated look he took off. We too began to head off after squabbling on who was going where and how. Raæin took off with Isaac, Gideon, and Cortanna toward the ruins while Jessica and I got a ride with Rekka in her dragon form. I did feel somewhat abandoned when Raæin rushed off without me.
Rekka was flying fine for a while, but the wind got so strong she had to go back to the ground and use her claws to dig in and keep put. The wind continued to pick up and soon Rekka was losing her grip on the ground. Her claws began to carve deep crevasses into the earth as we were pulled back toward Hommlet. Just as it seemed the wind would take us back to the depths of the temple, it stopped. Rekka didn’t wait around, just in case the wind picked up again, and took us to the ruins.
It took the rest of the day for us to get there. Once we landed, Rekka turned back into herself and was livid with Isaac. I’m sure she would have ranted and raved at him, but she ended up collapsing in an exhausted heap. I was grateful for the care she took in keeping me safe, so I set up my tent and made her comfortable, everyone else following suit since it was getting late.
Like I said, little to take comfort in. Hommlet was mostly destroyed and it just kills me that another awful end to a good cause happened in our wake. I know one thing, tomorrow I must go back and collect what I can of my wealth while donating most of it to the town for the destruction we caused. Maybe even help rebuild if there's time that can be allotted.

Next Entry

Saturday, November 9, 2013

Day 66: Isaac Has a VILE Theory.

Baer 5th, 4288: 66 Days in the mortal realm

If I thought yesterday was filled with shocking information, today was far worse. And because my head is muddled with new truths or lies, I know I need to talk to Heironeous or Malfeiya. I don't know why I feel so confident in Malfeiya or Heironious in being honest, but needless to say I'm determined to follow through with this potentially catastrophic decision.
I first went back to the blacksmith to pick up Raæin's barding. My gut twisted as Billy presented me with the barding. From the quality he gave me and the protection it'll provide the Unicorn, it was at a bargain price. I could scarcely believe I only had to pay a tenth of the cost I would have thought it'd be. I then went to Burne and Rufus and was able to get more items from them (though I might be the cause why this town burns down unintentionally. Burne mentioned how he was going to experiment on making Shrouds of Disintegration after I inquired of his wares about them...). The general grocers had everything I needed except Health Potions. Apparently those potions didn’t work on the people in town. Only natural healing via the Clerics and Druids worked. Once done shopping I went to find Raæin and saw he wasn’t in the stables. I figured he was off in the woods since Brier was in there and he probably wanted his space.
I then went into the Inn and saw Rekka and Isaac still about, though they looked like they were about to go. Seeing them there, and with the conversation I had with Barrok that morning, I wanted to counsel with them. They were the only other two I felt had a developed relationship with the blacksmith. When I asked them for an audience, they obliged me and we went to my room to talk. Once settled in the room I looked at each of them, took a deep breath because I knew I was about to give a winded speech.
“So, I went back to the blacksmith to get Raæin’s barding. While there I asked Barrok some more questions that I thought he would know the answers to. This is pretty much what I got.
“Heironious isn't as... holy? Great? True? as I thought him to be. I asked him why was it Heironious didn't Exalt those who died that were good considering the mark had no power. Barrok said, ‘The mark used by Erythnul to mark his followers never barred any of them from being exalted. Highroneous just didn't want them. Admitting to his faithful that they had been killing their loved ones for no good reason seemed too painful, and so he allowed them to continue believing that they were saving their loved ones by killing them...and then Heironeous couldn't claim those souls because that would expose his failure to tell his followers the truth, and so he gave them to Erythnul.’
“This confused me a bit, so I asked, ‘Why would he have allowed it for so long? Surely he knew from the start right? Or shortly after? ...but- why did he allow Malfeiya then?’ Barrok seemed unphased by the thought and said, ‘Why indeed...if he knew from the start, why would he allow the lie to continue? Why would he allow his so-called enemy to claim so many souls, growing more and more powerful? It's almost as though they had planned this all from the beginning...and if that's the case, what role did Malfeiya play? The woman who supposedly killed Erythnul, and then allowed into Celestia...’
“It came across to me as though he was confused about the whole thing too. I tried one last question, trying to see if he knew what was happening with Erythnul and Heironious and if he knew about the girl involved expressing my concern that the girl might be my sister Meryth. Instead I am dismissed with Barrok saying, ‘I have told you all I can. I'm sorry you didn't understand more of it.’ I tell this to you because it would seem Barrok knows more of what's happening, but I feel he's withholding information. Did you two learn anything from your conversations with him? I assume you two have chatted with him... I’m just trying to understand better because right now Heironious seems so... not Heironious. I can't explain it. Like he's a regular person when he's a God who's suppose to know all and be perfect right?” I took in a few breaths, feeling the frustration from that mornings conversation creeping back in. I had hoped Barrok would have had more concise answers. It truly felt as though he wasn’t telling me everything.
Isaac looked at Rekka who stood still, both seeming nervous to speak. In all honesty, I knew I hadn’t really given them a reason to trust disclosing information with me, I’ll admit... I get pretty heated about things that jeopardizes everything I thought I knew to be right and good or challenges my character... but in that moment I knew I needed to learn more and I hoped that that one time they’d  freely give of whatever they had learned... I figured I could keep my composure that one time.
Rekka, being as bold as she was, ventured to speak first, “You call them Gods, Araja, but I've heard stories that these so call ‘Deities’ were once here in the mortal plain like you and me. They became so powerful that people around them called them Gods. That's why I don't believe in them. Like they’re there, but when you really think about it they’re nothing more than you and I, just strong in their magics.”
“Yeah,” I said, trailing off. That's exactly how I felt about Heironious. He was like any body else who's mind and perspective could change on a whim, “I just can't help but feel let down. At least I think I'm no longer concerned with the Gods... I just need to figure out why I heard my sister scream. If she's alive, I'm going to save her, if i can.” In all honesty, if she was involved, I doubt I could do anything because there were 2 deities involved.
“Hey, I’m glad you’re coming to your senses. You’re getting off the Deities and I'm getting on. At least you’re not responsible for fixing their mistakes, whatever that might entail for me,” the last sentence being said more to herself before she pressed on, “You mentioned hearing your sister. Did you meant right now or at Podunk?”
Though I heard her question, I wasn’t about to let it slide what I had heard her say moments before, “You're to fix their mistakes?” I questioned. Rekka kind of looked at me, her mouth showing that she was uncertain what to say. I then mused on, “I'm curious to hear more if you know anything. Maybe that'll be my cause now. To help you while figuring out what's going on with my sister. I'm still hung up on when I heard her back at Podunk with the explosion and all... part of me still feels that there's a chance that it's a ruse to get me emotionally involved, Heironious knows how much I loved her... but there was the third party who’s a female, as we know, working with Erythnul and Heironious. Question is, is it her, a Billy version of her, or someone else?”
“For that very reason...and I can't believe I'm going to tell you my plans, we need find historical documents that go way back.”
“Any era in particular?” I asked feeling some new found purpose swelling in me.
Rekka let out a sigh, seeming conflicted about letting me help her or not. After a moment she went on, “From the information we've gathered so far from the different sources, it would seem this goes back way before your time. At least whatever part I have to play. but the only thing I need to know that is from your time is what happened after your death. In other words I would like to know what Malfeiya..." suddenly Rekka stopped talking. Her mouth hung open as her brow furrowed, “I can’t believe I didn’t see this before! The key has to be Malfeiya herself! She’s claimed by BOTH!”
It was like a light being turned on at the realization of who the 3rd party was to the two Deities... That vile girl Malfeiya! Of course! How was it I didn’t see that coming!? I was so caught up on having heard my sister's scream to which I was blinded by who it really was!
“Maybe my sister is safe after all! It would make sense why Erythnul and Heironious are working together. Suppose they have an equal claim on Malfeiya her being marked and Exalted... yet, wouldn't they have just fought over who got her versus work together? Then again, she was strong enough to remove the marks of Erythnul... I dunno. It just seems so strange that those three are all in co-hoots with one another. What could they gain from it?”
“Like I know. And if I did we surely wouldn’t be sitting around here discussing it,” Rekka retorted.
“Well one thing's for sure is we should learn some more about Malfeiya. I don’t recall her ever being... evil, but what’s going on surely can’t be good.”
“That and other things. We need to definitely learn more about Malfeiya. We also should learn about the Elves, particularly in response to the ruins, see if soultrapping has happened in the past on the scale we’re experiencing, and see what else we can find on the Dwarven history,” Rekka listed, “You know, we’ve been the ones doing all the talking. I’d like to hear what Isaac has to say to any of this.”
We looked at Isaac who seemed to have been following the conversation. He furrowed his brow seeing that we were waiting for his opinion
“Well, what I know will not be pleasant, I can promise you that Araja,” a bit of nervousness welled up inside me at the notion, “I've heard from both Barrok and St. Cuthbert recently.b To be honest, I do not trust them, but what they have said makes sense with what we know so far.
“Barrok explained to me that ‘Gods and devils are not so black and white as they would have us mortals believe. We're- that is to say, they are much more like people than you give them credit for. People change their minds, change their ways, so can a God or devil.’” Isaac said.
“Yeah I got that,” I said.
“Well, Barrok was trying to break gently to you is that Malfeiya is manipulating both Heironeous and Erythnul. She seduced them separately, and stole their affections. After that she began to manipulate them, getting them to think they're working together and each thinks it's his own doing when in reality it's some woman pulling all the strings. What do they have to gain from it? Heironeous and Erythnul have Malfeiya to gain, and she stands to gain deific power. According to Barrok, she is working to combine the three of them into a single being, and eventually the entire pantheon.”
Isaac stoppd for a moment, swallowing before continuing, “If this is true, and if you did truly hear your sister scream back at Podunk,” he paused, hesitant about what he was disclosing with me, “then I find it likely that Malfeiya is actually your sister.” I became rigged as Isaac tried to continue to speak. Whatever he said, I didn't hear. I was gone. Any promise made to keep my cool was long forgotten about as the anger overcame me. The very notion he was making against my sister infuriated me to no end. I took one step toward his small frame and with all my might pushed him back into the wall, knocking him hard enough that whom ever was next door gave startled soud.
“THAT’S MY SISTER YOU’RE TALKING ABOUT!” I shouted at him. I don’t know if he shrunk under my rage or if my anger triggered my ciclet on accident and grew a little. Too bad my black wings didn’t sprout for more effect. Isaac just stared back at me seeming unphased by my response and firm in what he had said. I backed up from him before jestering at him as I continued, "You can't be serious? You can't! My sister Malfeiya!? She was a healer! Not a sorceress! She was newly 12 when she died and the thought of her doing such a thing as seducing two Gods is sick to think about Isaac!"
“I've only stated the facts as I know them Araja! Do you have a better explanation as to why you thought that was your sister's scream back in Podunk?!” Isaac spat back at me. I glared at him ready to kick his small frame around some more as he persisted on my sister being Malfeiya.
“Healers have often been called sorceresses, or even witches, especially in the distant past,” Isaac persisted, “And maybe she came to be called ‘Malfeiya’ once she gained the favor, and power, of the deities. Who knows how many years since the time you died, she had plenty of time to grow up. Or not... the Gods can be sick like that.”
I balled my fists up tight getting ready to strike. In that moment was when I remembered how out of control I was. I suppose I kept some control because I certainly didn’t harm Isaac other than throwing him into a wall... but needless to say I was quite embarrassed. I had promised to keep my cool no matter what I had heard.
I really need to get a grip on my anger...
"I'm sorry,” I barely whispered, fighting the tears that were trying to emerge. That was most frustrating. I wanted to be all stoic but my emotions always got the better of me. I bit my lip for a moment. Thankfully Isaac and Rekka gave me some time to breathe and calm down.
“I suppose nothing is known yet, but it would be a good idea to see if we can find out when Malfeiya was born since that may give way to whether or not your theory is right Isaac,” I said cooly, not meeting Isaac's eyes.
“Considering the little we know and that we only have ‘theories’, I’ll tell you what I learned from St. Cuthbert about the mark-” Isaac began before I cut him off.
“That it has no power whatsoever? Learned that from Billy and Barrok like I said earlier.”
“Yes well, St. Cuthbert says the brand is seemingly meaningless, as far as we know, but when those who are branded die they become monsters. Billy was an early incarnation of these beasts,” Isaac continued. He paused for a moment, “Now that I think about St. Cuthbert mentioned something about the water, which could very well tie in to what you were saying about Raæin the other day. St. Cuthbert has enchanted the river that flows through this town to mask the presence of magic over time, no matter how strong. The effects are not permanent to living creatures, but he did not mention what the effects are to items or permanent spells. He mentioned that if we drink it the effects might help mask our true identities, but I personally don't trust that.”
My stomach twists a bit at the information. I like the idea of the water being able to conceal me, but how Isaac said he didn’t trust St. Cuthbert made it seem like the water was poisoned.
“Suppose we experiment with it?”I suggested. Isaac pulled out a water skin and shook it. Sloshing sounded from it and I could only assume he had collected some to experiment with. I mainly was curious to see how long the effects lasted and to see if my invisible sight still worked. If my sight was unaffected then awesome, otherwise that would be disappointing not being able to catch people sneaking up on me while invisible.
“Hey Isaac, what's the deal with the map? You know the whole name thing? Don't think I didn't notice it," Rekka suddenly piped in. I looked at Isaac. I, too, was curious about the names that were listed before his. There was something about being a High Priest and Enslaver, but I was getting too emotional about stuff at the time to  remember.
Isaac shifted uncomfortably under the questions about his name on the map. I had to wonder if this pertained to his brand and wondered if he did know more about his past life than he lead on.
“The thing is that I don't know much more than you do,” Isaac began, “And most of what I do know is rumor or on the word of Deities that would say anything to bend me to their cause. However...I guess I do owe some kind of explanation.” Isaac flexed his jaw and pierced his lips before continuing, “I am unsure of what ‘Enslaver-Of-Nations’ might refer to, unless it speaks of my skill of the undead. May refers to the role I played in my previous life.
“I do not know why my true name is a blank. I imagine that it is due to the process that changed me to this,” he motioned at his horns, which had grown larger in the time I had traveled with him, “As far as for the title of High Priest... from what I've gathered so far, in my previous life I was the one who invented the method for creating creatures like Billy... Yeah, I was the one who did whatever was done to that cave next to Podunk. If you haven't figured out what that high priest title might mean by looking at it carefully, then I won't explain it further. I will warn you that the name is dangerous to speak where others can hear. There are powers in this world and the next that would have me create an unstoppable army for them, and they would know the meaning of this name. I thought crossing the ocean would-” Isaac stopped suddenly.
“”Cross the ocean from where?” I pressed. Isaac seeming irritated that he spoke too much, shook his head.
“Look, it isn't important. The past is dead. I'm not the man I was before, and I wish people would figure that out. If the Gods keep digging then they might not like what they find,” Isaac snapped. He seemed pretty bitter yet quite protective of whatever his ugly past might have been.
"Hmm and you're behind the soultrapped creatures... to bad you don't remember how you did that. Maybe you'd be able to undo your work,” I mused, half hoping he’d continue on.
“I've already undone one, but I do not think I would fare as well against the untold legion that has been created since my... departure from their ranks,” Isaac said plainly. We all stood in silence for a moment. One could almost hear how busy our heads where with the information disclosed to us from Isaac. Then in an exasperated whisper Rekka spoke.
“Wow...So I'm fixing all that. Great.”
“Whoever said you are supposed to 'Fix' anything, Rekka? If anyone were to, I would think that would be my job,” Isaac responded. Rekka straightened to her full height.
“Go right ahead,” she clipped out. The energy between the two suddenly made me feel uneasy, yet I thought it daft if they truly were debating who was to fix this ‘mess’ the God’s had made.
“Despite whoever is responsible for fixing it, I know I couldn't ignore this without good conscience. If anything I'll be here until this thing is fixed or else killed in the process... and the later sounding almost desirable considering what we're up against...” I said. Once again silence fell upon us. Considering the daunting task that was before us, it would appear that we had a lot to think about and optimize a clear cut strategy to go about it.
“I’m gonna head out and do some shopping since I have nothing more to add,” Rekka announced.
“Oh, Rekka, here,” I said pulling out a dagger I had gotten from Billy earlier, “the dagger deals elemental damage. Dunno how much, but that’s what Billy gave me when I asked for a dagger to replace the one I destroyed on the ooze,” Rekka took the dagger but before she could leave I also added, "Burne and Rufus seem to have a decent supply of magic items. They have a decent stock, I'd suggest checking them out.”
“Ok, thanks,” Rekka said and continued out the door, holding the wall as a guide.
“I’ll head out too. Need to work more on identifying all those items I won...” Isaac said, seeming annoyed by the tediousness of his unidentified winnings. After he left, I went about journaling, eating, and just lounging about. It wasn’t until mid evening that I figured I best go back out and check on Raæin, to see if he had returned. Interestingly enough, he still wasn’t there. Nor was Brier, but maybe Cortanna was out with her or something since I hadn’t seen her yet. I figured I’d check for Raæin in the morning since he seemed to be enjoying his time. If he wasn't by then, then I'll let loose my underlying worry.
By the time I’m getting ready for bed, everyone, except Rekka, had returned. Isaac said she’d be out for the night. Wouldn’t say why other than we need not to worry about her. We conversed about the day, Isaac and I purposely leaving out our conversation that we had with Rekka earlier. At some point we’ll need to get everyone on the same page, but I figured once we have a solid game plan that’ll be the time we fill the rest in.
Isaac also reminded us that tomorrow was the day we were to go to the evil temple in Nulb, He was going to wish for Y’dey in front off all the town Elders. That way it could be made known if she was good or evil, him suspecting the later.
Anyways, like I said at the beginning of this entry, I need to have a talk with Malfeiya and Heironeous. I especially need to find out who Malfeiya is for I hate the idea of her being my sister. It can’t be her for it would be the absolute opposite of who I knew my sister to be. I really hate Isaac for even suggesting that.