Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Day 113: Rehm pt. 2: Fall, the Prophesied

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As I woke, or so I thought, I sat up in lush green grass. I then heard a child like giggle that I knew. I looked over to see Meryth running away from me. She was about 5 years old and smiled as she looked back. I couldn’t help but smile and got up to chase after her. As I caught up to Meryth, I scooped her into my arms and tickled her. The joy that welled inside me was almost unbearable.
I then looked around at the familiar setting. We were in the field just beyond my home. Looking toward the house I could see my mother, Malaney, and my father, Achmath, on the porch sitting with Raæin. Raæin! the shadow was right! I caught myself thinking. In fact, I couldn’t remember a time without Raæin. He had always been there with me.
It was there that I realized I was in a memory. It felt like a dream with how happy I was but with realizing what it was filled me with sorrow for eventually I would wake up.
I chose to enjoy it as long as I could.
With the warmth in my heart to be with my family, to be with my two dear companions, Raæin and Meryth, I remembered why Raæin was meant to be with me. He was my protector and mentor. It was his duty to help me master my powers while protecting me from those who’d harm me. I felt a small chuckle at the thought. At the time the idea of anyone wanting to harm me seemed silly.
There was a prophecy at the time that hadn’t come to past. I didn’t believe it, but despite what I thought the words were distinctly vivid in my mind:

Born beneath the baleful moon,
There shall be Arise, the evil, and Fall, the good
They twain shall vie for the heart of their deity
Arise, the evil, shall be rejected and Fall, the good, shall be chosen
A festering wound in the heart of Arise

Arise and Fall, though bound stronger than sinew,
Arise shall betray and seek to slay Fall through the marked armies
Casting Fall to hell where dwells the evil Arise shall embrace.
None shall have the power given them to slay Arise, save for Fall
But if Fall refuses, the darkness will take hold and ages will pass

None shall be safe while Arise rules,
The gods shall kneel before her,
Bathing her feet in the blood of their throats
The blood of traitors and deceivers, all
Usurpers of their own thrones

Return to us Sangrail
Lead to the land of ascension by the hand of Fall
Bearer of the planes, Sangrail alone and forgotten
Power you know not, danger you know not
Fall shall be your unwilling guard

When Arise is dead and the maws of evil filled,
Blood of the righteous to sate their lust,
Sangrail in the place of her making,
her steely gaze unblinking into the Abyss,
Fall shall fulfill and Sangrail shall conquer the usurpers

Thus shall be the end of time and the making of all things anew
Rule of the Sangrail, their cyclic enthroning
The first of the new to rule to the end,
Her wisdom and compasion, or arrogance and spite
To color the rest of reality

So save us from the darkness to come
Arise and Fall, you determine the fate of all

I knew I was Fall, but never cared. All of the Elders, my father Chiefest of them, thought if they could train me up early enough, that I would defeat Arise, whoever she was, before any of the horrible things could happen. Prophecies worked like that, that’s why they were given. Folk wanted hope that they could change things and avoid the bad consequences. At least that was the reasoning behind my training.
I watched as the memory of Meryth grew a little older. We laughed about the prophecy most of the time when it was brought up, though it was becoming increasingly awkward. I could see Meryth hurt deep down at the thought of all the horrible things that were to be done to me. When that cloud of darkness began to loom over, I would encourage us to pray to Heironious, that his grace would be upon me.
Once more Meryth aged a little. She was becoming more fearful, scared of herself. I remembered it was around this time when I created her lullabye. I wanted to comfort her. I even began to share my knowledge and training with her. I helped her learn the magics and fighting stances the elders had taught me for years. Yet even that, I knew, wouldn’t help.
Many years went by to when my parents left us. This part stuck out because a few days ago that shadow that claimed to be my father said he and mother had died after Meryth and I. Instead, the memory played out in a familiar fashion to what I knew had happened. The Mark was widespread, having claimed countless souls over the years. Erythnul’s forces were growing and was filling his ranks with his warriors. It was during this time when my parents became marked. I remember their struggle. They had some control, but once they knew they couldn’t resist it any more, they left. They lived the rest of their days in the plague camp before succumbing to the Boqor and dying.
With the mark on the rampage, Raæin and I lead the armies of the righteous against it. Though we fought valiantly battle after battle, our forces were left weaker while the enemy became stronger. But this part of the memories was most disturbing. I knew how to end it. I knew how to save all the lives that had been lost... but I refused to fulfill my obligation...
Years ago, during the time Meryth was becoming more fearful of herself, before the wars began, she confided in me that she thought she was Arise. She based it off of the jealousy she felt for my special training (hence why I tried to teach her) and my connection to Heironious... She even begged me at this confession to kill her with a dagger she told me was, “a gift from a friend I shouldn’t have.” Of course I refused thinking she was depressed. I held onto the dagger, the very dagger I acquired recently, worried for her own safety.
But I knew it then... I knew she was right... Still I refused to accept it.
As the battles raged on, I would see her out there in the midst of them. Everytime Meryth offered me the option to kill her. Everytime I refused. Part of me hates that I hadn’t. It’s so painfully obvious now with perspective, but I remember how in denial I was of my sister being Arise that I couldn’t kill her. I loved her too much to do such a thing.
Then the final stand took place as Erythnul’s armies marched to the coast of France to take his mark to other lands. Chills ran up my spine as I remembered how long that battle lasted. 3 days and 3 nights... Men, women, and children screamed and bled while I fought on. Each side dwindled in numbers; heroes dying, champions falling, demons and devils being cast down. In the end, it was just me and Meryth. Our armies were spent, the both of us drained from fighting. Had it really come down to this? Just the two of us?
The grass was thick with blood from the fallen. I stared back confused and angry, yet she was my little sister though we had grown up, she being 20 while I was 28. Here she was, I could clearly see the evil she had done. Without a doubt I knew she was Arise. But maybe she forced herself there by obsessing over her suspicion. Maybe she wasn’t the real Arise... those were some of the indenial thoughts that justified my unwillingness to not kill her.
Meryth’s begging for me to kill her was replaced with taunting. She said something very distinct in her taunting that I hadn’t realized the first time she said it.
“Oh how delicious your parents souls were for Erythnul,” she cooed, a smirk on her face as her eyes dared me to attack. Your parents. This wasn’t Meryth. But at the time, as much as I wanted to attack her, not kill her, I just sat there, tears streaking my face. I knew what had to be done, but I was too indecisive to follow through with my obligation.
Suddenly Meryth stood, staring off, looking concerned. I looked in the direction she was staring and could see a silver dragon headed toward us.
“Araja Eloirakn!” he beckoned to me, “I know you’re righteous, but this prophecy is costing too many lives! So to save countless others from losing their lives I’ve come to prevent the prophecy from furthering!” the dragon declared. I stood up with Meryth and looked her in the eyes. Silently we united as one in the cause of defending each other and together we slayed the dragon. Moments before were forgotten of how we had fought so bitterly against one another. For a moment, we were sisters through and through working together to save ourselves.
It weighs heavily on my heart to know I kill a silver dragon. How had I become so blind? So many innocent and good beings had already died that day... That final war as my mortal self just seemed so dark now with my thoughtless desires to bring Erythnul down at all costs.
In the process of slaying the silver dragon, I had been mortally wounded. I felt Meryth pick me up and place me on a horse, no... a nightmare she summoned. I was too weak to care. I could hear her beg me not to die, tears streaming down her face. That was Meryth. That was my sister.
Next thing I saw was Meryth standing next to someone; someone whom I could only assume to be her high priest. It was there I saw the mark upon her body, there on her wrist as she withdrew her hand from the person.
“No!” I thought I shouted, but it was just a thought in my head. I climbed off the ‘horse’ rushing to my sister’s aid. I didn’t think this time. I had to save her! She was only marked for a moment and if I killed her, she would be saved. She would be Exalted. So with the last of my strength, I killed her and her priest.
Even though I knew this to be a memory, that moment of seeing my sister’s lifeless body, unexalted, still stung. Yet, I understand why she wasn’t Exalted with the perspective I now have.
Shortly after killing them, everything went black.
Light. Bright light was met when I opened my eyes. I could feel some tears fall from them as though I was on the verge of crying. The vaulted ceiling overhead was so high, clouds could be seen. Marbled pillars and trees with leaves that shed light brighter than the sun were patterned about the place. It was glorious. I could feel the weight of the wings on my back and I gently touched them, marveling at the soft feathers that adorned my frame.
“Welcome, my warrior,” I heard Him say. The warmth of Heironious voice was inviting, everything I remembered of peace and safety. It was made known that I was Exalted so I could fight against Erythnul as an Angel. The focus of taking Erythnul down filled the emptiness that was left from the lose of my sister. Maybe with Erythnul’s death, my desire for vengeance would be satiated and I’d finally be at peace.
More years passed and Malfeiya surfaced. It was curious to see her again for she was exactly how I remembered her. Was Meryth lying about being her then? I wondered.
I remember the excitement in seeing her power in removing the mark. There was hope. Then the day came when she slew Erythnul, yet how unfortunate it was for her because she too was slain, the mark being placed upon her body before hand. As tragic as it was, the war was finally over. Erythnul was dead and the world was now safe from him.
Then something unexpected happened. Heironious Exalted Malfeiya as his Prime Angel. My whole frame went rigid. I felt the anger rise in me knowing this wasn’t right. Not only was she marked, I noticed the mark glowed with it’s power. If the power was still there, then Erythnul couldn’t truly be dead then... I decided to confront them together. How great my shock was to walk in on Heironious and to see Him and Malfeiya, no- Meryth! (for a brief moment I saw Malfeiya shift to my 12 year old sister) in an embrace not meant to be seen. Meryth hadn’t lie, but how sick it made me to remember how involved she was with Heironious. I was about to leave, more or less run, to confide in my fellow Angelic about the corruption that had taken place, but I was cast out before I could do such a thing.
Being casted from Heironious’s kingdom may have prevented me from informing the other Angelic, but I knew of the other good deities. I flew to their realms, with Raæin faithfully at my side this whole time, to seek their help. Raæin had always been so faithful... even though I now can see I may not have always made the best of choices...
The other good deities wouldn’t engage in war against Heironious. However they did lend their angels to fight with me. Once I had my forces gathered (this must have been the Holy Host Meryth told me about), I lead battle against my sister.
Years of war waged, the heavens bled while the hells feasted upon my fallen comrades. Once more, more good beings were killed and that time at the expense of my vendetta toward Heironious and Meryth...
During the last battle I fought, I was struck down by a greater devil named Nerull. The devil wasn’t quite as fearsome as Erythnul, but there was fear none the least as I was cast down with Raæin into Hell. I could hear Nerull laugh as my soul was rend and suffered in Hell. I remember forgetting myself. Bits of me fading as the torture continued for an undetermined amount of time.
Then I was released. It had been 1400 years since my time in Hell though at first it seemed as though I had just been casted from Heironious presence. I remember the confusion, the half truths that still lingered, branded in my mind with a hot iron about how Heironious had failed me, but mingled with all the skewed memories left after the torture. Event the memories of hell vanished. All that was left were my naked wings, short hair and my tunic from my time as Heironious’s angel.

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Next Entry

Sunday, December 29, 2013

Day 113: Rehm pt. 1

Buq 16th, 4288: 113 Days in the Mortal Realm

This morning I came across everyone debating about what we should do with Isaac. As Raæin and I approached the conversation a hush fell over them as they nervously looked at me.
“No need to stop on my account,” I said, “What’s the plan?”
“Well, with your dad’s shadow clinging to him, we’re not sure how to remove him or if he’s truly the culprit behind what happened last night. However if he is being possessed or has gone evil on us, I’m not sure what we can do about that,” Rekka explained.
“I could cast protection from evil on him,” Raæin offered. We all murmured that that would probably be the best we could do for Isaac.
After Raæin warded Isaac it was clear that the shadow was confused. He still clung to the sheep form of Isaac, but seemed repulsed at the same time.
As a group we discussed whether or not to continue our trek to Rehm. It was roughly 5 days away still, but with Isaac in an uncertain condition, it was deemed a good idea to get back to civilization. I was torn between the two. We had come so far, but it would be wise to seek help for Isaac and it’s not like I knew if Rehm would hold any answers.
“I could just take you to the island,” Raæin suddenly said breaking up the discussion.
“How?” I asked.
“I can take you anywhere in my forest,” he responded.
His forest!
“How?” Gideon asked.
“Everyone would need to place a hand on me, then I can teleport us there.”
“Why didn’t you tell us this sooner?” Cortanna asked.
“No one asked,” Raæin simply said. I hadn’t thought to ask. I thought Raæin had a special connection with me that allowed him to teleport to my location, but considering he teleported me back to the party, I should have caught on then.
“So... you remember?” I asked once more. Raæin knew what I meant and gave a nod of his head. I beamed, grateful that his memories were restored.
While I continued to relish in the knowledge that Raæin could remember, Rekka set about hiding the fortress and placing the cube in one of her coat pockets. We now had a faster way of travel and so we all stood around Raæin with a hand on him. Raæin took one step and suddenly we were standing on a smooth, rounded hill in the midst of a large lake. The waters appeared rough and choppy, as though a strong wind was storming about. In the very middle of the island was a stone hut. It kind of resembled the homes I remember in Rehm.
“Raæin, is there anything about this place you know about?” I asked.
“It’s horribly evil,” Raæin announced. The hairs on my neck prickled.
“Do you know who the hut belongs to?”
“Either Erythnul, Heironious or some other evil deity.” That news set my heart racing. Was I really standing near Their door step? There was no way I was going to go up to that building and confront them again. Dagger or not... I was just too terrified of Erythnul and Heironious. A living nightmare I could do without... though if I’m to take them down, that would mean confronting my fear. Maybe what scared me most was feeling powerless to them.
I braced myself against Raæin feeling myself grow a bit faint from not breathing in my shock. I barely caught word of my companions debating about going to the hut or not. I stated that I’d rather leave before going quiet as they continued to discuss. As they did that, I forced myself to focus on something else. Something good. Raæin had his memories back, or at least a good portion of them.
“Do you remember your name?” I asked him.
“Would you believe me if I said it’s been Raæin,” he said. I looked at him with a smile. That was evidence enough that he was part of my past. I somehow knew to call him Hayarijn Raæin even though I couldn’t recall a time with him before finding that Plainer portal.
Movement caught my eye as Cortanna began to pace.
“So are we leaving?” I asked. As soon as those words left my mouth I realized Gideon and Jessica had reached the hut and rapped their fists on the door. My heart sank, scared for their sake.
“Why’d you let them go do that?!” I hissed at no one in particular.
“We didn’t!” Rekka snapped back, “I was just saying to Cortanna it’d be a waste if we just left after working so hard to get here and noticed, like you just saw, those two off knocking!”
Intently we stared on at the profile of Jessica and Gideon and a look of surprise followed by a warm smile spread across their faces.They walked in and we could hear the echo of the door shut. The rest of us quickly scrambled after them. Part of me wanted to knock sense into them for being so stupid, but once we reached the door and knocked, we were welcomed by a familiar face.
“Welcome,” Barrok said warmly. He then took a step back to let us in. His home was quaint. It reminded me of my neighbor Bor’s home. It was cozy and warm. Then again, why did I keep doing that? Comparing the present to my past was meaningless. Knowing crucial things have been forgotten, why would the smaller, insignificant things linger too? Whatever trauma I went through in hell or else where, my mind had done a fascinating job at sugar coating it...
Once everyone had found a spot in the living room around the fire, Barrok wasted no time getting down to business. First he took care of Isaac by removing the shadow from him and turning him back into his normal self. The shadow seemed to flee to some corner of the room, but I forgot about him once Barrok spoke.
“You got the dagger?” he asked looking around at all of us equally. I was hesitant. Raæin did just say that some other evil deity lived in the hut and with Barrok asking so forwardly about it, I didn’t want to admit to having the only dagger I could assume he’d be talking about.Yet it was Barrok... the blacksmith who has aided us so abundantly, it would probably take all our wealth and then some to repay him.
I gave a single, defined nod.
“Good. I figured if you had gotten this far you might have it.”
“Why does it matter if we have the dagger?” I asked.
“As you know, Heironious and Erythnul forged their deal and what not,” Barrok began,One of the things they did was open up portals to the elemental plane of evil. This way Erythnul’s presence would be transfigured so all would forget about what had happened here. However to balance this, so Heironious can be himself, ‘all good’ and what not, they've opened similar portals to the elemental planes of good. Yet, as one should expect, Erythnul's people have closed some of the good ones to let his power have more reign.
“Now,” Barrok said looking at me, “that dagger is a sure way to open these portals. One can seal them with the blood of a deity or blood of its natural opposite, like Raæin. Depending on the portal’s size, it could very well take the life of the creature that helps.”
My heart sank and I bit my tongue. I couldn’t lose Raæin! I wouldn’t loose Raæin! He was my past! The only being who could remotely understand what I was going through! Couldn’t I sacrifice myself? I didn’t think I could bare the loss of another loved one.
Yet, what if that’s what Raæin desired? What if he wanted to be a sacrifice?
I bit my tongue to try and maintain control and push past those thoughts. Barrok must have noticed my struggle to not get emotional for he added, “ I would be willing to seal one of those portals, particularly the one here. I also know of two others; the one in the mine near Podunk and one in Threll. Now, helping seal one of these portals would be at a risk to my life. It will weaken me and if Heironious or Erythnul find me... they could absorb me. I know if the Unicorn were to do it, it would kill him.”
I looked at Raæin. Please don’t want to, I thought.
“Raæin...” I began to ask him in Sylvan. My heart felt heavy, as though it had turned to stone, “What do you want to do?” Raæin thought for a moment. He looked at me as though part of him would be willing, yet he shook his head.
“I don’t know,” he responded. He was solemn about it. I was grateful he was indecisive. It made it easier to choose Barrok to seal the portal here over Raæin. Hopefully this would also buy us time to find another naturally good creature willing to aid our cause, or deity for that matter.
Another thought struck me though. That initial thought I had about Barrok potentially being evil came up again. Why was it he was so willing to help us? Was there ulterior motives? Everything he said so far hadn’t come across as deceitful.
“Barrok, why are you helping us so much? What’s in it for you?” I questioned. He looked at me thoughtfully.
“I am the last of the Sangrail deities,” he said. Barrok let that hang in the air.
“So you are Rekka’s dad!” I blurted. Rekka looked at me and shook her head.
“No he’s not!”
“Being a Sangrail isn’t necessarily limited to the bloodline. Anyone could be born one. With that,” Barrok then looked directly at Rekka, “you have the potential to become a deity.”
We all stood a little stunned. It would make sense now why she’s the one to undo what the Gods were up to, yet I couldn’t help but feel some nervousness about it. I suppose it was that same fear with Heinul... they’re just so strong. I’m powerless to them... what will happen to me the next time I piss Rekka off? I suppose I needed to improve upon my own temper or come to accept my inevitable and impending death somewhere in the unknown future.
“I’m a deity?” Rekka questioned. She seemed equally surprised as the rest of us.
“Not yet, but once you’ve unlocked that power you’ll know,” Barrok simply replied, “just remember, what makes the Sangrail so different is we don’t need followers to gain our power. Followers would make us stronger, but it is an unnecessary qualifier.” We stood there for a moment before I remembered the questions I had asked hadn’t been completely answered.
“You didn’t fully answer my questions,” I reminded.
“Isn’t it clear Araja? They are afraid of the Sangrail. I being one means I am in danger too. I don’t agree with what they are doing but it is not my place to fix it either,” Barrok said. I was convinced. He knew what we had to do and I should be thankful for his aid. So with that I made up my mind to use Barrok’s assistance and seal the portal at present.
“Let’s do this then,” I said, standing and looking Barrok in the eyes. He gave me a nod and lead the way out.
“How quick will you be able to hide and how long until you’re well again?” Cortanna asked as we walked out.
“Time is a curious thing. Being immortal, one doesn’t pay attention to it,” Barrok answered. It sure seemed to matter to me. Hence my journaling and trying to remember timelines and what not. Eh, maybe I wasn’t in the heaven’s long enough... “Also,” he continued, “If I survive this, I know I will be able to free the soul trapped beings here.”
Barrok stopped at a place central to the little island. He looked at me and gave a nod. I whipped the dagger out and then looked to Barrok uncertain what I should do next.
“Just stab the ground and pull to open a hole,” he instructed. That part was easy. Earth was lifeless, without feeling or at least nothing resembling blood would come rushing out at me. However it was curious as I stabbed the earth. It seemed to pull away from the dagger as I sliced a foot long gap into its surface.
Once the portal was open, I stood up and looked at Barrok. This was the tough part. I now had to stab him.... but where? Could I slice his wrist? His arm? Barrok looked at me and pulled his shirt down enough to expose his chest.
“Right here Araja,” he said tapping his heart. A premonition of my sister flashed before my eyes, in which she tapped at her heart. I knew she didn’t do that, but the image was there and it made me hesitant. I shook the image from my head. It had to be done. This was one step closer to bringing Them down.
I gripped the dagger firmly and forced the blade into Barrok’s heart. He gave a soft grunt but then stood still, eyes closed, as the blood gushed around the blade. I began to withdraw the dagger but Barrok grabbed my wrist, holding my hand in place. I felt my sanity begin to slip as the blood kept flowing, some getting on my hand and the image of Meryth flashing in my mind one more.
As I closed my eyes, to remove the image at present from view, I began to mentally talk to myself. It was a good thing. Barrok willfully was helping us. It would bring us closer to destroying them. It wasn’t Meryth. You’re not killing him...
“That’s enough,” Barrok said in a whisper. It felt like it had been an eternity standing there, waiting for the portal to be satiated with the blood needed to seal it. As I looked around, it became apparent that change was happening. The aggravated waters were now closing in on us. As soon as I had removed the dagger from Barrok, he vanished. I could only hope he was able to find a safe place before Heinul found him.
As a group, we all flew into the sky to avoid the rising water; Rekka carrying most of the party in her dragon form. The higher we got the easier it was for us to see what was happening. The land around the edge of the lake was rising, pushing the water in ward. After a few minutes the entire land had shifted, the water had disappeared and below us laid a somewhat familiar sight: the lay out of my home town Rehm.
As I stared at the familiar ruins from above, a blinding light suddenly pierced my mind. Thoughts about being high in the sky meant nothing. If I was falling, there was nothing I could do to stop it as the light overwhelmed me.

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Saturday, December 28, 2013

[Araja]: As We Wait in the Cavern

Once Araja and Gideon return finally, unable to figure out how to get everyone out, and once filled in on a potential way out, Araja will take a moment as we wait for Isaac's ghost to catch up with us, to answer Isaac's question that he had asked back when everyone first fell into the water.

"So Isaac, about your question earlier, why I fell out of the sky... I don't know how or why this happened, but suddenly my memories came back. I remember being overwhelmed then I know who I am, I remember my purpose, but I don't know how to stop it all. I know the Sangrail is of great importance and I'm to support that person to some degree. I know with what I did nearly 6 weeks ago, how I obtained the dagger," Araja trails off for a moment... "I fulfilled part of my past that I was reluctant to do... which is probably the cause of all of this. The reason this war has gone on for so long...

"Anyways, once we are out of here and out of Rehm, I would like to go somewhere that we can find anyone who might remember the prophesy of old. I'm talking 1400 years old... which I feel will be impossible lest someone or something has kept excellent records or past it along word of mouth. I say this because I'm sure all of you think I'm talking nonsense once more. Like the mark, I doubt any of you are familiar with the prophecy like I am. I know it word for word, but if I'm to get any of you to believe it or anyone else for that matter, then I'm going to need to have verifiable proof of it. I've contemplated possibly even going back to Sardik since I know the Clerics in the Court of the Gods know a little about the mark and 'the legends' of it."

Araja leaves it at that. You are welcome to ask questions. Do note that Araja is very much not depressed. Other than that moment when she first woke up crying and when Jessica dropped a trigger, she has been more confident, as though she was back to her normal self.

Thursday, December 26, 2013

Day 112: The Black Sheep

Buq 15th, 4288: 112 Days in the Mortal Realm

The creatures that I mentioned two entries back have been attacking the force field every night for the past week and a half. I commend them for their persistence, but come on! Find something else! I only noted that because that was what I was thinking about as I was getting ready for bed. It was getting quite annoying the constant banging and screeching. It’s a wonder how any of us were able to sleep...
Anyways, with that thought of annoyance I suddenly heard Cortanna scream. Instinctively I grabbed my gear and rushed out with Raæin.
“Cortanna what’s wrong?” I called out, looking around for her.
“Isaac isn’t Isaac!” I heard her responded from the top of the building with the control panal. I flew up to see what she was talking about. As she and Isaac came into view, I could see on Isaac’s back a shadowy figure. I thought it odd for a moment but brushed it off as my father protecting him.  Before anything else could be done, Isaac then flew into the air, tossing Hubert in the process.
“You’ve failed me sword!” Isaac cursed at Hubert. There was definitely something not right with him. My initial thought of my father protecting him turned more sinister as it appeared my father was controlling him...
Isaac then casted a spell that sent rubbery tentacles all about us. I didn’t have a problem dodging the flailing appendages and with that prepared to attack Isaac. As I looked at him, the face of Erythnul appeared. I stopped in my tracks as terror filled my being.
Suddenly I snapped out of my terror as I saw Isaac before me again. He pointing his finger in my direction and aimed a ray of dark energy toward me. Knowing how powerful he was and the kind of magic he wielded, I used the magic of my Mithril shirt to protect myself. Sure enough my armor reflected the spell and interestingly enough, right back on Isaac. Whatever it was he tried to cast on me didn’t seem to affect him much, but for the moment I was unscathed... And that protective magic I felt from my Mithril vanished. I hoped that Cortanna, Raæin, and I would be able to take Isaac down before he attacked again.
A dragon then flew by me. I quickly recognized it to be Rekka’s dragon disguise. She flew right to Isaac and the next thing I knew there was a black sheep where Isaac once was.
I exhaled a sigh of relief. With Isaac under control, I focused on helping Cortanna out of the tentacle things that Isaac had summoned. I flew over to her and reached down. Unfortunately with all the tentacles thrashing about I was unable to pull her up and out.
“Araja! What the heck?” Cortanna snapped at me. Part of me wonders if I had misheard her, but it was enough to say I was confused by the sharpness of her response. So I left her to get herself out.
As I flew away I saw Gideon wiggling out of the tentacles. It appeared everyone had come to Cortanna’s aid. I looked back at Cortanna and watched her try to escape the tentacles. Despite her efforts, she continued to be battered by the flailing appendages. Rekka flew over to Cortanna and attempted to help her out. Interestingly enough she too was unable to pull the half elf out.
I then noticed the blood that was coming out of Cortanna’s nose and mouth. Quickly I had compassion on her and went to her aid once more. I carefully worked my way to Cortanna and dimension hopped her to the edge of the building; just out of reach of the tentacles and just enough on the building that she wouldn’t fall. I then went and healed her with my healing belt.
We then all gather down on the main floor. Rekka brought Isaac down and placed him in the midst of us. It was rather comical seeing Isaac as a sheep. I also saw the shadow of my father still clinging to his back seeming confused. I didn’t know what to think. Was my father evil? Was it even my father?
“How long will he be a sheep?” I asked Rekka.
“About a week,” Rekka, who had shifted back to her human form, answered. My mouth dropped a little. I suppose if Isaac had gone evil, then a week would give us plenty of time to figure out what to do with him.

The most excitement all week.

Monday, December 23, 2013

Day 107: My Mithril Shirt

Buq 10th, 4288: 107 Days in the Mortal Realm

Something that came to mind today. As I was cleaning my weapon and armor and sorting through my gear, I noted something interesting about my Mithril shirt. It was the heirloom Cortanna traded with me for the Weapon Handle. I must say, I’ve noticed the change in it over the many months and I must say, it’s quite amazing. Through all that’s happened while I’ve worn it, the magic in it has become stronger. It feels as though nothing could penetrate it. I also can feel a repelling magic that will protect me from any targeted spells. I can only hope that that magic is strong enough to take on deific spells.
I suppose I’ll note it once more since I’m writing. The nightmares are still ever present... still the same kind of things, but I’m finally starting to recognize the nightmares when they happen. Now I wake up feeling numb and emotionless instead of panicked and guilt ridden. The party has talked to me less and less, which I don’t blame them. Isaac’s been the only one who tries to be pleasant with me, but even his efforts I shut down when he tries to pry in about that night with Heinul... Even I’m starting to get annoyed by this depression.

Next Entry

Day 103: Wild Creatures of the Night

Buq 6th, 4288: 103 Days in the Mortal Realm

So there’s been more giants sleeping during the day and it’s been made known that during the day the creatures are more docile while at night the creatures become more violent and wild. Something to do with Heironious ruling the day and Erythnul ruling the night. In fact, the past two nights now we’ve had to endure wild creatures constantly attacking the force field. The Asterial Drows thankfully constructed a very strong force field and so it’s held up. I don’t think there’s anything to worry about for now.