Friday, November 1, 2013

Day 65: Happy Birthday Dear Sister

Baer 4th, 4288: 65 Days in the mortal realm

First off I want to say in here, Happy Birthday Meryth. If you were alive with me, you’d be... 282 years old. We were almost exactly 8 years apart. On the 35th of this month I’ll be turning 291... It’s hard to believe I was born nearly 3 centuries ago back in 3997... not much has changed here in the mortal realm other than a higher population of Humans and more incredible inventions like my circlet. I suppose nothing much has changed with me either...
Anyways, woke up this morning ready to get things done. I wasn’t as tired as yesterday, so here was hoping I’d be able to get more done. First I freshened up and put on my dress. I then went down stairs and got a bite to eat. I'm certain my lack of eating was what caused my sudden feeling of illness.
I then went out to Raæin. He was amused by the idea that we were looking for a chicken. We strolled through Hommlet on our way to the forest edge. It all looked familiar from yesterday, but for those on the street, I was a new face since I hadn’t walked around as myself yet. Then again, no one except my party, knew my true self. How I love looking and feeling like I did before ever dying... yet I must confess, not having the wings constantly on my back was missed since I spent well over two centuries with wings. I couldn’t help but reflect on how nice it was to have flown when attacking the bats or when we fled Podunk and traveled to Cortanna’s home town. Yet at the same time, how refreshing to not be such a target of looks since Sardik.
Anyways, my thoughts quickly turned to that of Meryth. I found some flowers as we entered the woods Southeast of Burne’s and Rufus’s tower. I strung them into two crowns; one for me and one for Meryth. It was a tradition after our parents died of the Boqor plague that swept across this realm in 4012. They had passed away the day before Meryths birthday. It was my attempt at making Meryth feel special. Little did I know that that same day Meryth would prove to be more special than I had imagined. She was a Savant Healer. Meryth saved my life and those who were ill with the Boqor. She described it as... ‘I just knew what it was and knew I could cure it.’
Still can’t believe she’d be one to fall prey to the mark...
“Araja, what's on your mind?” Raæin asked. I smiled realizing how lost I had become in my thoughts.
“Oh, just pondering on my sister,” I confessed, “It be her birthday today. And here I have it, my crown of flowers and one for her... though she won’t be wearing it...” I trailed off since it seemed like a subject that only had meaning to me. Raæin kindly didn’t ask more about Meryth and so we continued through the woods.
We walked near some of the rivers in our search for statues. I thought about crossing over one but Raæin did not look the least bit happy about it.
“What’s wrong Raæin? You look like a cat about to get a bath,” I teased. Raæin gave a snort at me.
“I... I feel as though this water is bad. Something about it just makes me feel very uneasy. We’d be best to keep searching on this side of the river,” Raæin said. I gave him a questioning look but he didn’t see it as he lead the way from the river. Maybe he was hydrophobic. Perhaps a past fear that he can’t remember but instinctually dreads.
It turned out to be a good idea that we continued to search the area we were in, for an hour later from the time we spent near the river, we found some statue like animals. It was quite curious to see these animals all frozen, but if Burne was right, Henny was near. About as soon as I had fathomed that thought there was a clucking sound from behind me. I froze and surprisingly gave a little thanks to Heironious that I didn’t accidentally look at the creature.
“Raæin," I whispered, "I don’t know how well you do with animals, but if we need to make a quick escape, can I get a ride?” I asked. Raæin gave a nod of his head. I then placed my hand on him and closed my eyes. I wanted to make sure the ‘chicken’ didn’t try and make sudden eye contact with me.
“Henny, Burne’s looking for you. Stay put and he’ll come get you,” I said in what I hope was a calm voice considering my adrenalin was going. I felt a gentle scratching at my leg. Somehow I managed to not jump and pushed past my nerves, calmly walking away, Raæin leading me toward the village.
Before entering the town, I remembered I wanted to switch out to my blonde elf disguise, but if Raæin was with me... I was pretty sure that would be a dead give away later on... I suddenly felt stupid about the request I was going to ask Raæin.
“Hey Raæin, I need to go see Burne and Rufus alone. I’ve been using a disguise in the attempts to not draw a lot of attention to myself as I purchase big items. I do want to meet back up again to go get some barding for you, so would you like to stay in the woods?” I asked, hoping I didn’t come off too insensitive.
“You’d want me to stay out here with the beast?” Raæin questioned.
“Uh, no. Not in these parts of the woods I suppose. Sorry I didn’t mean to make it sounded like I suggest you stay with the chicken... I definitely wouldn’t want you to turn to stone. Or you could go back to the stables if you’d prefer-”
“The stables would be preferable. I don’t have any desire to be in woods that aren’t my own, though not that I know where those woods would be...” Raæin trailed off. We then continued on in silence. I hoped he wasn’t offended by my suggestion...
Before leaving the woods, I switched back into my blonde elf disguise. Raæin and I then parted ways, I reminding him I'd meet up with him soon. It didn’t take me long to find the bustling, forming tower, nor to spot Burne and Rufus standing about overseeing the work. I walked right up to them, a smile on my face, but didn’t get a chance to say anything before Burne spoke.
“Oh, you didn’t need to bring Henny all the way back with you,” he said bending down to pick up a chicken. I looked at Henny surprised she was there and that she actually was a chicken. I suspected she'd had been a cockatrice.
“I hadn’t realized she followed me,” I responded.
“Here,” Burne said to me handing out a golden chain with tiny charms attached to it, “a thank you for finding Henny. If there’s anything else you need, I’d say come back tomorrow. I’ll need today to prep my store,” he informed me. I gave a small curtsy and thanked him for the gift.
The gift was something I had been interested in getting, but had been hesitant about. It was a very risky item to have, especially considering what my luck with fire has been over the past month. This item could very well take me and a small town out with a bang... The necklace, well golden chain, had charms that contained the fireball spell. If I tossed one on the ground, a fireball would trigger. However if I am hit with fire, the fire could very well trigger all of the charms. There was roughly 10 charms, each varying in size. I knew I had to be very careful with them. I quickly placed them in my havardsack so that they would be better protected.
Before walking away I had a humoring thought in my head. I figured considering the gift he gave me and the disarray that has become of the tower that possibly the charm necklace was the experiment Burne was working on and one of them lit off.
“Was this the experiment that went ary?" I asked. Burne let out a chuckle at the notion.
“No, the cook found one of Henny's eggs and tried to cook with it. Foolish girl. She's lucky to have survived,” Burne said.  Rufus then began on another story that seemed to stem from the cook cooking the wrong egg. At this I made my leave knowing I had given my thanks and there was nothing more these two could provide me with until tomorrow.
I then met back up with Raæin in my normal look. We went to the blacksmith and as we walked in I could hear two guys laughing. Once in, it looked like a son and father partnership. They were having a great laugh about something.The father caught sight of me and through the smoke, directed the boy over to speak to me. His face is covered in ash and sweat and he gave a smile while shaking my hand.
"What can we do for you?" He asked. I looked at the welcoming boy closely. There was something familiar about him. Why did he look familiar though? I certainly haven’t met many people outside of the party since being back in this mortal realm.
"Hi, I was curious if I might be able to purchase or put in an order for barding. I would prefer it to be made of mythril, but whatever your finest and lightest materials might be would do fine as well. Is that something you can do for me?" I asked, trying to be specific without sounding too terribly demanding.
The boy nodded. "We can make just about anything, so long as we have the materials. Is that the beast you'd like fitted with Barding?" the boy asked pointing toward Raæin. I nodded to confirm. "Also,” the boy added, “mithril is a bit rare, the expense will be a bit high. Are there any properties you'd like the barding to have?”
I really wanted to get a nice bit of barding for Raæin but I wanted to make sure I even had enough on me to afford it. We discussed prices and I inquired about fortifying the barding with resistances. The buy was uncertain about the pricing of magically enhancing the barding and pointed toward the man in the back, whose name was Barrok.
"Barrok," I addressed the man, "would you happen to know how much damage reduction and fire resistance would add to total cost on barding?"
Barrok put down his tools and the chain he was working on. He grabbed a rag and wiped at his hands then walked a bit closer to where I was with his son.
“Fire can be tricky. If you want just some basic warding, it's rather inexpensive. However if you' looking for near immunity that'll be a pretty penny to say the least. The same kind of idea for damage reduction,” the blacksmith informed me kindly though he looked a little tired of all my questions of price.
I felt nervous. I really wanted to get the best, but I was certain the best was way above the wealth I had on hand.
“Raæin,” I asked him in Sylvan, “damage reduction, fire resistance or both?"
“Anything to help me forget about the fires of hell would be preferred,” his deep voice answered. I bit my lip. I had to make the choice. I looked back at the boy and once more the thought of I know him came over me.
“Okay, so... what’s your name?” I said, realizing I hadn’t learned the boy’s name. I figured this would help me figure out if I truly did know the boy or not. He looked at me, hesitating while eyeing me with a sense of mischievousness.
"Funny," He spoke, "that you never really cared much about that when you first met me. Of course, I figure now's not that different. If I were as scarred now as I was then, you'd probably still want to kill me. You simply refuse to see beyond the superficial," he said matter-of-factly. He then went back to the forge and called out, “Your barding will be ready in the morning.”
I stood completely dumbfounded. It couldn’t be! But it was! Who else would say such words to me?
“Would you like anything else?” he asked.
Scared about what I was about to say, what I was about to admit was real, I uttered slowly and doubtfully, “Billy?”
"It's not polite to ignore a question when one is put to you so plainly." Barrok snapped. It was firm without malice, like a parent correcting a child’s impoliteness, "Is there anything else you'd like us to forge for you?"
Feeling a bit embarrassed and yet annoyed that my answers weren’t being answered so straightforwardly said, “Um sorry, no.," I then looked around the shop, making sure it was clear before directing my next set of questions at Billy, "But please, are you Billy? Because if you are, I just need to know. Are you free? Free from what I believe to be a cursed mark?”
Billy’s eyes hooded over slightly at the mention of the mark. “I was never beholden to any 'mark',” he said, “I was simply the result of simultaneous raise dead and resurrection spells, one cast by a god, the other cast by a devil. The result was an undead body with a living soul trapped within. The scars on my flesh were merely superficial, much like how a wizard may magically inscribe their own insignia onto a book, but that insignia has no other purpose or function."
"No one you've ever met has been 'marked' as you've been taught,” Barrok jumped in before I could finish processing the information that was being given to me, “It was just one more way for the Devil Erythnul to win followers and get his enemies to kill one another. Everyone ever killed for being marked, was just a normal person who happened to have a devil's symbol scratched into their skin. Some were bad, sure, but most were murdered by misguided fools.”
That last part stung the most. I was misguided... I killed my innocent sister... Heironious comforted me!? I could feel my chest tighten as the ugliness of the past became clearer. I knew I had to go. If there was anything that gave me comfort from this meeting was knowing Billy was alive, though he never actually said ‘yes’ to me. I put a slight smile on my face for I was appreciative of the information.
"Thank you for explaining that to me, that was very helpful. I'll be back in the morning," I said, somewhat rushed. I then made eye contact with Billy and the joy knowing he wasn’t captive anymore overwhelmed me. "It's good to see you again,” I said, withholding his name since part of me felt like saying it aloud again would make him disappear, “I'm glad you're no longer trapped in that body," With that I quickly turned on my heels and headed off with Raæin back to the Inn.
"Say hi to Rekka for me," I heard Billy call after me.
Oh I’ll be sure to tell her alright, I thought to myself as I left the blacksmith. I couldn’t deny the excitement I had at the thought of telling Rekka about Billy. It felt like a weight had been lifted off of me knowing the mark wasn’t as evil or awful as I thought it was… yet in that same instance how sick it made me. I wanted to scream and shout! Why Heironious!? Why would you let such a thing happen? Why didn’t you stop us right away? Why!? Why did you lie to me after my sister’s death!?
As I felt myself loose control, I knew in that moment it would be wise to calm down and carefully ponder the rest of the day about what I had learned. I would be returning in the morning for the barding and that would be an excellent opportunity to ask a few more questions.
I hung out with Raæin for a bit before going in for lunch. As I walked in, I could see Rekka sitting at a table by herself. I quickly went to her, excited about the news I had for her… though part of me was surprised at how thrilled I was considering 4 days prior…
“Hey Rekka,” I said. She didn’t look in my direction. At first I thought she was playing up the blind girl very well. Then I noted her bandages looked filthy again considering she had just gotten knew clothe yesterday.
“Hey,” she responded.
“You know, you ought to go check out the blacksmith,” I insisted. She barely turned in my direction.
“So let’s see… what did you think about that guy Simon? And Peter? Oh and how’s your sister?” Rekka said. I looked at her confused by her response.
“Simon?” I began to say. Then it hit me. My passwords! “Hate the guy, hate him too and dead.”
“Already been there then. Learn anything interesting?” came her reply. My excitement for being the bearer of great news to her were dashed. Apparently she had work that needed to be done there and she happened to beat me.
“Then why did Bil- er, why did he tell me to say hi to you,” I muttered to myself. I then shook my head to shake of the curious thought, “Nevermind that. Well, I'm glad you know he's... alive a guess. They informed me more on the mark. It's still quite a bit to take in. I have some questions I plan on asking tomorrow morning when I go back for Raæin's barding,” I answered.
“Yeah,” she said before saying something I couldn’t understand, “doesn't it? The,” once more unintelligible language, “mark don't mean much.” It looked as though she had received the same kind of knowledge too. I then watch Rekka reach for a cup of water in front of her. She nearly knocked it over and part of me thought she was overacting her blindness while the other part of me was concerned.
“Yep,” I began. I then dropped my voice to a whisper to hopefully not attract any ears, “It was bad enough to think Hei- er, Simon was playing favorites and just being unjust, but... why would he have let us kill so many people, especially those who were innocent? It's sick to think about. If it was known to the God's how mislead we were, why didn't He intervene?” I vented. It wasn't like Rekka was from my era in time. nearly 3 centuries had past.
Then on a more serious note asked, “Are you okay? Your bandages look filthy again.”
“Do they?” Rekka asked innocently, “I can't see them. Can’t see anything for that matter,” Rekka admitted. I watched as she shifted uncomfortably in her chair, as though she could sense I was looking at her with concern, “As to Simon, it just might be that there was nothing he could do about it. You know that those beings you call Gods, they can't come down all willy-nilly and solve everyone's problems. Even they have rules, though they themselves made them, that they can't or won't break. Or at least that's what Bard's stories always say don't they?”
"I understand they have certain rules, but... it just seemed we were very much misguided to which good people were killing good people because they were marked. Besides, certain rules they have to keep?” I scoffed under my breath at the thought, “It just pisses me of to think Simon came down to comfort me when I k-” I almost slipped kill out but thought better of it, “Why comfort me when my sister died? Let alone why did he break his rule about no marked beings in the Kingdom for that other girl who was marked? Like my sister? Either way. The Simon I thought I knew obviously isn't who I thought he was. I guess if anything, I would like to hear what he has to say. But like that'll happen. I can only hope in the morning the blacksmith might be able to answer some more of my questions..." I vented more. I looked at Rekka once more feeling sorry for her and yet feeling weary from the disappointment I was feeling.
“If you want to see Simon again we could just go back to that Portal. You'll be able to find him in no time. You could just walk right up to him," Rekka said, a mix of seriousness and sarcasm in her tone. We sat for a moment in silence. It was pointless for me to vent to her considering our age difference. I admired her indifference toward the Gods, but I felt very disconnected with her.
“So, you can’t see anything you say?” I asked changing the subject, “Do you know why that is?” Rekka leaned in close to me before lowering her bandages. Her eyes looked burned and when she opened them there was nothing in them. Not even the marks. They just looked burned.
"It's the same as always, a whole lot of nothing. But don't worry. It’ll be harder to find me now. Father is helping in out. He's got a plan, at least that's what he told me."
"Father?” I jumped in, “And you've been found? Like, found by your Father? Or... is it the blacksmith?" I was intrigued and curious. How was it Barrok was her father? That was a very interesting thought. Maybe she just found out? But why did she say it’ll be harder to find her now? She was already a master of hiding, was that really a concern of hers being found?
“I don't have a clue about...oh... Father said it was easier to be scryed with the last attempt to fix my eyes. Don't have a clue if anything came of it. My father and the Blacksmith are two different people, they have nothing to do with each other,” Rekka paused, her lips pulling together as she thought, “Araja, are you feeling alright. maybe this is too much for you.” I jerked my head back and furrowed my brows. Too much for me? I thought.
“I'm fine,” I said, “It is a lot of information to process today. But back to what you just said, you had an attempt made to restore your eyes? But now that’s been fixed?” I asked.
“Yes, in the means that they were removed and new ones are being made,” Rekka clarified.
“So will this mean that scrying you will be more difficult now? Must say, it's no fun feeling like people are keeping an eye on you- not to be rude- or deities for that matter.”
“No idea,” Rekka said, once more shifting her weight in her chair as though the topic was unpleasant, “So other than all this ‘enlightenment’ and newly found insight, what else have you been doing? Did you get that chicken?” Caught off guard by her comment I gave a small chuckle, which surprised me a little.
“Yes," I said, "Um, she followed me all the way back even. I think she liked me. I only caught a glance of her. I could have sworn that thing would turn me to stone from looking at it, but I guess Burne was being truthful about her being tamed,” which reminded me that Rekka wanted to know what Burne and Rufus had to offer, “He told me he'd be ready for any business I might have tomorrow, so I still don't know what magic items he has. You could come with me in the morning if you'd like."
"I might glance over his wears..." she said, letting out a little chuckled herself.
There was something about Rekka that made me hate her and yet really appreciate her at the same time. The hate came from the times her fiery temper got out and when she didn’t give a straight answer. Yet in the moment when we did talk how easy it is to like her. As I compare myself to her, shouldn’t I be the mentor? I’ve only lived a couple decades yet there I was  on the verge of another angsty melt down because what I thought to be true wasn’t... It was like nothing changed since I was last here in the mortal realm emotionally for me...
“I think I will venture on my own tomorrow,” Rekka said, breaking me from my thoughts, “See if I can at least get a feel for what he has, but that is tomorrow. Who knows what might happen from now til then with us.”
I decide to eat my meal with Rekka since the feeling between each other seemed friendly enough. After a few minutes of sitting and eating, I remembered Rekka was suppose to be going to Sardik with Isaac.
"Are you and Isaac gonna be leaving for Sardik still then?"
“I actually don't know. I haven't see- er, heard from him since this morning. he might have already left,” Rekka answered. I hoped he didn’t leave on his own. Knowing our group wasn’t in good standing with them, going alone probably would be a very bad idea.
“I suppose if we hang down here long enough we'll eventually I'll see or hear him if he's in town. Otherwise  it's to be assumed he's out of town or in trouble. I would bet on the first since that was what the plan was for you two,” I said.
Luckily neither of us had to wonder about what Isaac was up to. He came back a little while after my chat with Rekka. He explained that he had won an insane amount of magic items off of Elmo (that drunk who kissed Rekka). Elmo had been winning bets for years off of adventurers (something about going to the dwarven ruins and returning without dieing. If they aren’t back in a month he keeps the magic items they wagered).
Through the process leading up and after Isaac winning those items, he had conversed with the Druid Jaroo. The Druid, knowing about the Evil Temple in Nulb and having had Isaac fill him on what the Cleric of St. Cuthbert had said to Gideon, suggested that we have a town meeting with the town elders. That way everyone would be aware of what our party’s task was. I said I’d go and he asked if I would keep quiet. I rolled my eyes. ‘Tis my plan I thought to myself. I told everyone real quick too that I was basically over the God’s because seeing how ordinary they were to us, it just seemed stupid to put them up on a pedestal. Let alone the one I had worshipped with all my heart was nothing but a liar and corrupted.

✻   ✻   ✻   ✻   ✻

We arrived at the town hall by 8pm for the meeting. With my eyes trying to pay attention on the reactions of people around as Isaac and the City Elders conversed I got about this much from it:
The cities spies saw the previous Head Cleric for the chapel of St.. Cuthbert (Y'dey) going toward Nulb. She never returned. It was also known that she had hired the adventurers that we saved in the Dwarven ruins to do some 'searching' for her in the ruins of Nulb, and that they were given a map. The Counsel feared Y'dey has fallen to Evil and suspected that she was attempting to rebuild the cult of elemental evil. The other Adventurers left town a few days ago (all had been resurrected), but our best chance of stopping the cult would be to find the Adventurers, get the map, and see what Y'dey was planning.
The meeting was then dismissed and everyone went home. It was refreshing to have an orderly meeting. No riots, no outburst and best of all no one was killed or made a lycanthrope. So we all returned back to the Inn. The plan was to wait until Baer 6th before going to the temple which I was thrilled since I had the barding to get for Raæin tomorrow… Shoot! I didn't confirm what was to be made nor settled on a price! How much would that piece of work cost me…
All things considered, this was an interesting day. It was on Meryth’s birthday that I found Billy lives free from the mark, that the mark really means nothing, and that Heironeous... is no better than me other than being ridiculously powerful.

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