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If you know the source of this pic, please let me know! I needs to give credit to this peace of art! |
Dhroo 14th, 4288: 39 Days in the mortal realm
After a good night’s rest, the girls temperaments seemed to have cooled enough that they were cordial to each other at breakfast. As I finished eating, Brier came up behind me and gave me a gentle nudge. I looked at her and she motioned for my circlet.
“Of course,” I muttered, partly humored by how useful my circlet was. I placed it on her head to which she went to Cortanna.
“I smell werewolves nearby,” I caught her saying. The other's heads turned toward them.
“Sure it’s not Jessica you smell?” Isaac asked. Jessica made an objective noise.
“Well, your kind does have a heighten metabolism and have a stink to you that I can’t miss,” Brier explained, “But yes, I smell werewolves. There are others here besides Jessica.” I glanced around, nervous by where those lycans were lurking.
“Billy, can you sense any new marked beings present?” Isaac asked.
“Below us,” he simply responded.
“Any particular direction or literally right below us?” Isaac said. Billy began to walk away. We all got up to follow him. After a bit of a walk Billy stopped in front of a farm. I looked at Cortanna whose face seemed only to darken at the sight of the place.
“Guess I shouldn’t be too surprised,” Cortanna said cooly.
“You knew the people who lived here?” Jessica asked.
“Take a look for yourself,” Cortanna responded. There was a sign above the fence stating we were at the Johnson's farm. There were other signs in a collage around it warning people to stay out and the consequences of trespassing, “They’re a mean lot and that’s about all I know. I made it a point to keep away from them.”
“Well, lets start searching,” Isaac said. We all split into two groups. Cortanna and I headed into the house first to see what we could find. We searched the home for roughly 5 minutes finding nothing more than mundane, everyday item. I suppose it was of nicer quality, suiting what I can imagine to be a very ‘entitled’ farming family.
“Araja! Cortanna!” came Isaac's voice.
“Yes?” we both responded. I rushed downstairs into the entryway. Cortanna joined me at the same time.
“Found something in the barn, we need to go now!” Isaac said before turning on his heels back out the door. We follow him quickly. Once in the barn there was a trap door on the floor. Billy went to open it and we all prepared for an attack. The door opened to an empty room. Billy and Isaac lead the way, I following close behind.
I suddenly feel something grab me.
“Its just me Araja,” I heard Rekka say. My stomach twisted up and my heart raced a bit. I didn’t want to completely shove her away, but I was startled.
“I’m taking your circlet Araja so Brier can fit,” I heard Cortanna say. Before I could agree or disagree the circlet was snatched from my head. I felt my wings grow, one of them catching Rekka in the head.
“Uh, sorry,” I said, though it wasn’t necessarily my fault. I then saw Jessica at the back and passed Rekka off to her so that way I could maintain my distance. Then again, why did I care? Rekka had a great opportunity yesterday to go off on us, but she didn’t. Instead, she stormed off like any teenage girl would do. In fact, in the 5 days since being marked, she hasn't acted any different.
I shook my head from the guilt of pushing Rekka along, hoping she would assume I was putting her in the back for her safety and not because I was trying to avoid her.
Under the barn floor was another door slightly ajar. Through the door was a long hallway. Cautiously we walked down the hall, following it as it turned. Isaac stopped to look. I carefully looked around him and saw 2 hell hounds and 3 imps. My lips curled back in a snarl. How fowl those beasts were. Before any plans could be devised, Isaac leaped out into the midst of them sending a great force of energy, killing the hell hounds and severely wounding the imps. We then made quick work of the lingering imps.
With the room empty of creatures, we looked around and came across some Dwarves. They looked sickly, like they had been starved. They were pretty shaken and scared at first when they saw us, but we assured them that we were friendly and there to help them. We let them out and told them we were going to explore a little further and we’d come back for them.
As we walked down another hallway, I noticed on a glowing mushroom, a flower. As I pointed it out to the other's, Jessica seemed to know exactly what it was. If one smelled the flower, they would become stone. She then plucked it and placed it on a rock to which is melded in.
Billy had continued on a little ways to open another door. There were Goblins trapped inside. Billy escorted them back the way we came, I assumed to point them out. Once he returned, we then finished going down the hall. At the end we could see a door slightly ajared. Isaac approached it slowly. We all waited about a minute, wondering what it was Isaac was taking his time on. That's when I heard something being said from within to which Isaac straightened and let out a sigh.
“The gig’s up guys,” was all he said. As he opened the door, we could see into the room a large ooze on the floor. The hairs on the back of my neck prickle because there was something dangerous about the ooze though I couldn’t recall what... I felt using elemental energy on it would bring something really bad may become of it.
“Ah, an ooze. I’ve heard in stories about adventurers fighting them and they are unaffected by fire and cold though careful for it will destroy weapons used against it,” Jessica told us.
“Araja, you should try and shock it,” I heard Cortanna mention. I said nothing back because in my head I was thinking how much I didn’t want to get near the creature let alone I only had my halberd that I didn’t want destroyed.
Billy and Isaac suddenly took off into the room. I heard Isaac say something about throwing mushrooms but I wasn’t sure what he meant until I saw glowing mushrooms flying across the room. The ooze absorbed them and I remember earlier as we had entered that Jessica had stated these mushrooms were particularly poisonous when consumed. If anything, those two were quite clever.
“Are you guys gonna do anything to help?” Isaac called out to us.
“Araja, can’t you deal electricity?” Cortanna asked.
“Yes, but I have to touch the ooze. I don’t have anything I’m willing to part with,” I answered, “by the way, could I get my circlet back now since I want to be able to fly if I have to.” Cortanna reached over and took the circlet from Brier and gave it back to me.
“Here, use this,” Rekka said to me, handing me a dagger. For a moment I flinched as the dagger touched me, but quickly realized Rekka was holding the handle out to me. I took the dagger and looked at it for a moment, then at Rekka.
“You do know that this will be destroyed,” I told Rekka.
“Yeah, it’s okay though,” she replied. I made a mental note that I owed Rekka a new dagger. I then charged the dagger with my electricity and carefully walked over to the ooze. It was like walking up to a giant spider, preparing to kill it. This thing was grotesque and it was obvious it had eaten some creatures lately... the bits and pieces in various stages of decay floating around in it’s somewhat translucent body was a foul sight to see.
The hairs on the back of my neck felt like they were standing straight up. I had myself poised to flee if the thing tried to strike me or made any sudden movements. Slowly, ever so slowly, I reached out and sank the tip of the dagger into the ooze, releasing the shock. The ooze recoiled into itself, seeming to not have liked the pain I sent.
I prepared myself for whatever unknown thing this creature might try to do in retaliation, but the ooze continued doing what it was doing... just existing. Isaac then blasted it with his never ending canteen of water (set to a geyser setting). I received part of the blast of the water as it sprayed off of the ooze, sending parts of it, and the dead bits in it, on to me. I even got some in my mouth to which I vomited. It was absolutely awful being drenched in water and ooze bits. Makes me cringe and gag a little just thinking about it.
The floor quickly became drenched in a layer of water. Jessica began to play her lute to which I felt confident enough to attack the ooze once more with one last shock. The energy of the electricity made the ooze explode in all it’s fine, rotten, and acidic bits. I was covered and once more lost my stomach at the stench and taste of the ooze. I couldn’t stand being coated in it either.
“Isaac, hose me off!” I instructed. Isaac did so, but at first hit me with the full blast of his water canteen. He quickly adjusted the pressure so I could keep on my feet and shower off. “Isaac, you might want to look away just in case,” I told him. He looked at me questioningly, but as soon as he saw me working at my clothes, he kindly looked away, seeming embarrassed or shocked that I’d do what I was doing. To him and everyone else, I used the magic of the circlet to make an illusion of clothes still on me though I was taking my,l mithril, tunic, and body suit. I wanted to rinse off all the bits of the ooze on my clothes and my body. It did feel risky, but I also felt it safe since I had the circlet working its magics.
Soon I was dressed again, though wet and feeling queasy from the awful ooze bits I had tasted. Isaac scours through the leftovers of the ooze and comes up with 2 rings and a rod. The 2 rings are a set, and I was interested in having one of them, not feeling it’d be fair if I had both. So I took one that had Draconic inscribed on it, roughly translating to Immortality. I slip it on and feel nothing. It then occurred to me I had some time before this ring attuned to me. Don’t know how long, but eventually it would.
Isaac took the other ring and Jessica got the rod. The other ring apparently gave the wearer better chances of not being hit by ranged attacks. No wonder Isaac wanted it considering on a few occasions he was almost struck by one of Cortanna's arrows. Oh that girl... Anyways, the rod sounded like it produced a fire ranged attack. I think it’s more than appropriate for the Jessica considering she didn’t have a lot of strong offensive attacks, though I can’ complain about her song choices.
While the magic items were being divvied up, Cortanna pointed out that the stairs in the room that lead to a platform seemed to move. She had Brier come help her push. Quickly Isaac was there with her trying to see what was to be done. After some fidgeting they were able to get all the stairs moved and open a very dark entrance.
“Hey Araja, you can fly right?” Isaac asked me suddenly.
“Yeah, see,” I respond, sprouting my wings and giving a strong enough flap with them to lift me 6 inches off the floor before planting my feet back on the ground.
“Good,” Isaac said. He then gave me a push knocking me off the edge of the floor right into the dark abyss. I quickly kicked my wings into gear and flew around the surface of the black pit.
“Seriously? Not even a warning?” I asked. I flew back to the visible ground. I looked around and found a rock to which I made it glow with light. I then threw it over the edge. The light disappeared into the blackness, but quickly we heard it hit ground.
“Magical darkness," Isaac stated, "Looks like the bottom is really close, who’s ready to venture down?” Isaac asked. I said nothing since he already tried to use me to explore the darkness, but Isaac took no time waiting for a volunteer. He led the way with Billy close behind. The rest of us go into the darkness and it became apparent that we are walking down stairs. And that’s all we did for a long time.
“Billy, why aren’t you moving?” Rekka asked after a while.
“I’m keeping up with Isaac,” Billy responded.
“But you’re not moving anywhere.”
“Yeah. I’m keeping up with Isaac.”
“Billy,” Isaac said, “take a step forward,” I could only assume that he moved, “Okay come pick me up and carry me forward until we get out of this darkness.”
The sound of a body moving away becomes faint. I’m now confused by two things, why was it Billy wasn’t moving while the rest of us were and how did Rekka know Billy wasn’t moving.
“Hey Rekka, try walking toward my voice,” Isaac called out, not sounding too far away.I heard movement and assumed Rekka has now walked away. I then remembered that she and Billy had the mark in common. Whatever spell was preventing us from moving through the darkness must affect those unmarked.
“Cortanna, have Brier walk toward Isaac,” I instructed. I could hear Brier begin to move, but her steps stayed where they were. I was confused once more, but right as I figured it out Isaac called out to us.
“Billy’s coming with a rope, grab on, close your eyes and follow the rope to me.”
It was an illusion spell we were caught in. I had to have my eyes closed... or be undead like Billy. But that left the other question I had unanswered.
“Rekka? How did you know Billy wasn’t moving?” I asked. I couldn’t see her still since wherever we were was still dark as ever, but her tone sounded odd.
“Oh, well it sounded like someone wasn’t moving and so I guessed.”
“That doesn’t make sense... how can you hear someone not moving?” I questioned. I then heard a quick sign let out.
“Okay, well this morning when I woke up... I kinda saw blobbish like forms... nothing clear... So I saw one of the blobs, that I assume to be the party, not moving and guessed,” Rekka confessed. I found that intriguing. No eyes, yet somehow she was regaining some of it. Then again, that could be just the magic of Erythnul and Heironious enabling one of their marked beings with sight enough to not be completely useless for their needs... However if Rekka was regaining her sight back, she had more than a fair opportunity to take me out if that was what was to happen. But she hadn’t. Instead she told us what’s going on, in a way that would make me think she’s just as confused about what’s happening.
“So Isaac, Billy, where are we?” Cortanna asked.
“Oh, we’re just in a cavern,” Isaac answered. That would explain the airiness that came on once we joined up with Isaac.
“Hey Brier, could you change into your true form so we can see?” Cortanna asked. Brier quickly turned into her nightmare self, her fiery mane and tail illuminating the cavern and filling the air with a sulfuric smell. We began walking through the cavern, seeing where it led to. We could hear the fluttering of bats wings above us. That was a hopeful sound considering they would need a way to get out. We didn’t go very far through the cavern before Isaac lit a lantern so Brier could stop letting off the sulfuric fumes.
Once more we didn’t walk too far before Isaac put his lantern down.
“Cortanna, have Brier light up again,” Isaac instructed. Brier lit up before Cortanna could say anything. As she did we got a better view of what was coming at us. 6 giant bats were making their way toward us, but once Brier was in all her fiery glory they seemed repelled by it. Cortanna lead the attack by shooting an arrow at one of t he bats. I took flight, charging one of them. In my vigor to attack, I completely missed my target. As it was in that moment that it became painfully clear how vulnerable I was. It’s in those moments that I am reminded how mortal I am.
I watched as 3 of the giant bats closed in on me. Thankfully one of them missed, but one sunk its teeth in on my right shoulder while the other slashed me across the front with its claws. As the pain coursed through my body, I was just able to make out the faint thought of ‘touch your belt!’ Through the haze of pain, I had started to reach for my belt when suddenly I found myself engulfed in flames. Any thought of healing myself became an afterthought. The fire was so mind numbing, that all I could remember was the agonizing cry of the bats and everything, in a painful fit, fading to black.
✻ ✻ ✻ ✻ ✻
Despite that painful experience, I somehow was fortunate enough to live another day. I woke up to find myself back in the room we left the Dwarves in. I still felt a great deal of pain as I looked at my party, and the Dwarves, surrounding me.
“Have you any idea what we had to do to finally get you conscious?” Isaac asked me. I slowly shook my head.
“What happened?” I asked. I wasn’t asking so much in why was it I blacked out and was now back in this room where once the imps and hell hounds resided, but rather, what all happened after I blacked out.
“Sorry,” I heard Jessica say. I looked at her somewhat questioningly. It dawned on me remembering the rod she had acquired, “I was aiming at a bat… just didn’t realize you were close to it nor how strong this rod was. I tried to heal you but your ring was preventing you from any healing,” Jessica explained.
“Yeah, 2 potions and 1 healing spell later, we finally remembered that darn ring you’re wearing! Also you’re lucky I switched places with you and didn’t fall because you were barely alive when we got you here,” Isaac said sounding thoroughly annoyed, yet impressed with his genius in saving my life. I looked at the ring on the table next to me. Immortality? I thought. I knew it needed time to attune… so I figured I ought to keep trying and avoid being so offensive until a few days had gone by.
“Thank you,” I said, “All of you who helped save me. Sorry I wasted your potions and spells, but I really am thankful.” I swore I heard Cortanna snort under her breathe something about killing a kid on accident and unforgiving while I was almost killed and overly forgiving. I noted two things then: 1) I owe Jessica two potions and 2) I needed to make it a point to apologize to Cortanna point.
I attempted to sit up but the pain in my body reminded me that I was not fully okay. I quickly healed myself. Once I was able to stand, the ring back on my finger, we all headed back to the cavern. The Dwarves chose to tag along after Isaac asked them about the cavern. They told us about how they were hired by Pendral, but never had they heard of a cavern in the place.
We made it past the part where the bats attacked us and continued on a bit further before coming upon a portal. Next to it was a turn table. It was an incredible piece of work. The large, circular portal had a bluish haze to it, suggesting it was open to some unknown plane of existence. Around the edges of the portal were small inscriptions. The Dwarves were in complete ‘ah’ of it.
“Cool,” Jessica said, “This is a plainer portal,” she seemed excited about seeing it. All of us looked to her waiting for further explanation which she didn’t hold back on us with, “Basically in the stories I’ve heard, Planeswalkers would use these. Of course they were super strong, almost Deific strong. So it was, all the plains had a common enemy to which all banded together in great armies to fight these Planeswalkers. Once they were all defeated, the Deities then tried to hide all of these portals-“
“Why not destroy them if they didn’t want anyone using it,” Cortanna interrupted.
“As I was saying,” Jessica continued, giving Cortanna a look for interrupting, “They represent such a strong magic that even the Deities couldn’t destroy them.”
Isaac began to walk over to the turntable while Jessica spoke. She caught sight of him approaching it and tagged on to what she was already saying, “And if you don’t line the turntable up correctly, you could be destroyed.”
Isaac looked back at Jessica appraisingly. He then looked back at the turntable and began to examine it.
“How is it you know all of these things Jessica?” Rekka asked.
“You’d be amazed at what the lips are willing to tell once a few drinks are past them,” Jessica said, seeming jolly about her ability in extracting information from those back at her tavern, “This one in particular I got from this blacksmith in town. He was quite skilled and this was by far one of his better stories.”
“Well, from what I can see,” Isaac called out to us, “This turntable is set to the Nine Hells.” I shifted my weight looking at the portal with a wary eye. That was a scary aspect looking at this bluish portal. It looked harmless, but here was hoping nothing came of it. If Hell was really on the other side, how I desired to leave. We all stood silently for a few more minutes, the glow of the portal looming over us with an eerie glow.
“Araja, could I use your circlet for a moment,” Cortanna asked.
“Sure,” I said, not giving much thought. It wasn’t until I felt my wings fling out that I got nervous about scaring the Dwarves. Luckily they were still transfixed with the portal. I could hear Cortanna walk off with Brier. And so it was, we watched the portal some more, my heart leaping a little every time a ripple disrupted the surface of it.
“Araja, here,” I heard behind me. I saw Rekka holding out a small chain to me.
“What is that?” I asked.
“My wand bracelet.” I thought you might find it more useful.” I looked at her though I was sure she couldn’t tell I was. I don’t know what brought about this kind gesture, but I wasn’t going to say no. I had been wanting one, how was it she knew? Why was she being so nice?
“Would you like anything in return?” I asked.
“Eh, no. Just consider it borrowed for now,” Rekka replied.
Cortanna then returned, handing my circlet to me. She seemed sad, yet not. Brier seemed forlorned as well. I figured I best not push what happened and placed the circlet back on my head, letting my disguise take over again.
“Okay everyone. I think I figured out what I need to do to change this portal opening. This is an attempt... so don’t be surprised if something bad happens,” Isaac warned us. Just then as he announced his plan, the portal rippled once more, but this time something came out. It was the most bizarre and fearsome creature I had ever seen. It lept through, making a grand entrance due to it’s curious look. It had skin that seemed stitched on and stretched. Wings of a dragon grafted to it’s back. It’s legs looked as though they had been well covered by other animal legs (like a griffin's front leg) and its tail was replaced with that of a snake or scorpion.
As it stood for a moment, before collapsing to the floor, I caught sight of a gleaming white horn protruding from it’s head. Immediately I felt I knew the creature, but first jammed my circlet onto Briar.
“What is that!?” I demanded.
“If I am not mistake, that’s a Unicorn and from the likes of it, has undergone a rigorous attempt to be corrupted,” Brier explained. I looked back at the creature and my heart ached for it because such a pure beast was not destined for such cruelty. “But, as you can see, the horn is still white and therefore uncorrupted,” Brier continued. With that I took the circlet back and placed it on my head before rushing to the aid of the Unicorn that now laid limp at the foot of the portal.
I crouched down next to it, unsure what it was I could do to help the pure creature.
“Hey,” I said softly so as to not startle it. The Unicorn lifted its head and whimpered. It didn’t seem pleased to see me. “It’s okay, I’m here to help.” My attempts seemed only to make it more nervous. Cortanna came to my side and tried to help, but the Unicorn had been tortured too much to trust anything I feared.
As I continued to look over the Unicorn, trying to see what it was I could to do to possibly help, I noticed a barbed collar around its neck and manacles around its feet. I broke the collar and carefully removed it from the Unicorn’s neck. I then went to the manacles and tried to unlock them, but was unsuccessful.
“Rekka? Do you think you could still pick a lock?” I asked, though I felt like I was jabbing at her recent condition. She did say she was beginning to regain her sight sort of, but that was just discovered by her this morning…
“Sure, just guide me to the lock and give me some time,” she replied. I helped her over. After a minute she had all the locks picked and we removed the manacles from the Unicorn’s mutilated feet. Then there was a loud locking sound, like something rolling back into place.
“Really?” Isaac said out of frustration. It would seem he had a small set back.
“You poor thing. Who could ever think to do such a thing,” I tried to soothe. I looked at the skin all stretched and stitched across the Unicorn. It seemed fresh… and I really wanted to cut away at the stitching to see what the state of the Unicorn’s former body was underneath. Was this skin replacing its own or what it laid over its actual skin? Before I could check, the portal shimmered again and out came 4 ugly creatures. I stood up with my halberd poised to defend the Unicorn.
“What are those?” I heard Cortanna ask.
“Nupperibo,” Isaac responded, “They may not be able to see, but they have a keen sense of smell.”
The fleshy creatures stumbled forward a few steps, sniffing the air as they walked. I knew they were in pursuit of the Unicorn. The nupperibos caught sent of the Unicorn and began to make way toward it. In my excitement to defend the Unicorn, I once more missed my target. The creatures continued to advance.
The Dwarves, whom I had completely forgotten were there, charged the hellish creatures with a valiant effort in their condition. Cortanna shot an arrow that erupted in a burst of flames. The nupperibos enjoyed the fire, their eerie mouths forming a haunting grin.
The fleshy creatures stumbled forward a few steps, sniffing the air as they walked. I knew they were in pursuit of the Unicorn. The nupperibos caught sent of the Unicorn and began to make way toward it. In my excitement to defend the Unicorn, I once more missed my target. The creatures continued to advance.
The Dwarves, whom I had completely forgotten were there, charged the hellish creatures with a valiant effort in their condition. Cortanna shot an arrow that erupted in a burst of flames. The nupperibos enjoyed the fire, their eerie mouths forming a haunting grin.
As they enjoyed their moment of pleasure in the fire, I swung again at the closest one and released the shock I had stored. The nupperibo I struck convulsed, collapsing to the ground. Soon it was immobile and showed no signs of getting up again. Cortanna then sinks a sword into one of the creatures. That nupperibo died too. I looked to where the Dwarves were and saw them wailing away on one of them. So I swung at the final one, sending another shock into it.
We all stepped away from the portal, I turning my attention to the Unicorn again. As I walked away, I heard the ripple effect take place and looked to see the portal shimmered once more. This time two humanoid creatures walked out. They wore studded leather armor and had dark red skin, darker than Isaac’s. They each had a long sword they carried at their side and one of their hands were unusually large. If anything, those two creatures looked like twins.
We all stepped away from the portal, I turning my attention to the Unicorn again. As I walked away, I heard the ripple effect take place and looked to see the portal shimmered once more. This time two humanoid creatures walked out. They wore studded leather armor and had dark red skin, darker than Isaac’s. They each had a long sword they carried at their side and one of their hands were unusually large. If anything, those two creatures looked like twins.
“I think I got it!” Isaac called out to us. Once more there was a loud pop of the dial contraption recoiling back into place on the turntable. Isaac lets out an exasperated sigh. He then looked up at the portal, “Oh… Legion Devils…” he said gravely.
The Dwarves charged in without further questioning.
“How bad are they?” I asked quickly.
“Uh,” Isaac said as he once more attempted to adjust the turntable, “Lets say that you can’t just kill one. (Come on...),” he rushed on, “They must be killed at the same time. Doesn’t matter how much you- (almost!) hit one, if the other is still healthy, that one you’ve beaten 3 lives over will continue to live and waste your attacks- Got it!” Isaac shouted, thoroughly pleased with finally being able to reset the portal. As Isaac explained what these beings were, I had made a successful attack on one of the Devils and Cortanna had planted a few arrows in their chests
The Dwarves, who had swarmed the Legion Devils by now, all paused at the sight of the portal shifting. The Devil Legions both looked back too, seeming alarmed by the portal closing. They attempted to flee, but the Dwarves seeing them try to run pummeled both of them dead.
As the portal continued to close, I once more put my focus back on the Unicorn. I waved for Gideon to come over and borrowed another dagger from Rekka, reassuring her she’d get this one back. Before attempting to cut the stitches, I figured it would be best if I could try and communicate with the Unicorn before doing something it could perceive as harmful and cruel. I went down my list of known languages asking, “What happened to you?” Once I asked that in Sylvan, the Unicorn raised it’s head to look at me.
“I was captured Angelic one,” the Unicorn said, letting out a sigh of relief.
“How do you know what I am?” I asked.
“Hard to miss the wings when you took your circlet off,” the Unicorn reminded me. I hadn’t realized he was conscious enough to be that aware when I had asked Brier what it was. “I’m sorry I am so untrusting, but thank you for saving me from those fiends.”
“Of course,” I simply reply. I waited a moment as the Unicorn laid its head back down, trying to let the pain pass from his movement, “How long have you been captured and tortured?” The Unicorn lifted its head to look at me once more.
“I couldn’t say… I can’t recall anything really from before I was in there… just pain.”
“Not even your name?”
“Not even my name.” I looked on with sad eyes at the Unicorn. How unfair it was he had to undergo something so cruel. For how he talked, he seemed to had at least escaped with his purity and sanity intact.
“What would you call me?” the Unicorn asked me. I was stunned for a moment. Giving a name to a Unicorn? That was an honor I didn’t feel particularly worth of, but what came to my mind was how honorable he was and how his kind were like royalty among the beasts.
“Hajariyn Raæin,” I said to the Unicorn.
“Araja, what’s up with the Unicorn?” Isaac asked. Once more I had forgotten the existence of other’s in the area. I looked around in surprise for a moment and then felt slightly embarrassed for not remembering my manners and translating.
“Sorry about that,” I answered in Common for everyone to hear,“the Unicorn can’t remember his past or his name He’s been badly tortured. He asked if I would give him a name. I’ve chosen to call him Raæin. I have yet to ask him if I can examine the stitched on skin-”
“What about it do you need to examine it for. It’s demon hide they’ve covered me in,” Raæin responded in Sylvan. I jerked my head in slight surprise that he understood me.
“You understood me?” I asked in Common.
“Yes, I just don’t want to speak Common because my tormentors spoke it,” Raæin explained in Sylvan. I then decided I would always talk to Raæin in Sylvan to put as much distance between the horrible experience as I could... however...
“Raæin, I don’t want to hurt you, but... I want to cut some of the stitching to see what underneath it looks like. I’m hoping to be able to take off all of the demon hide, but if that is what they replaced your skin with...” I trailed off, not liking the idea of the demon skin truly being grafted to the Unicorn.
“You may. At least you’re trying to help,” Raæin said, though clearly not thrilled by the idea. I carefully brought Rekka’s dagger to one of the seams of skin. I carefully cut a few stitches loose and barely peeled some of the skin up to see nothing but raw muscle exposed. I wanted to retch at the vile sight and imagery of Raæin being skinned alive. I didn’t know what else to do either... I almost thought about mercy killing the Unicorn because how badly mutilated he was. Would Gideon healing the Unicorn heal the demon hide to him? Would his original skin and fur return? These were the many questions racing through my mind when Isaac spoke up.
“Hubert,” Isaac said aloud.
“Why good day sir!” The sword responded, “Any wishes desired or- SIR!! You must SLAY that evil beast!” Hubert declared, Isaacs arm being dragged toward Brier.
“Hubert, not now. We’re not slaying anything evil.”
“Oh but sir, it is the only evil thing in the room! Let us kill it while we can!”
My ears latched on to what Hubert said. The ONLY evil thing in the room. The only evil thing in the room? I looked at Rekka and Billy. They were marked, but not evil... I guess they hadn’t done anything evil, but the mark I was told was evil and therefore those with it were evil...
“Actually, I wish that this Unicorn here, Raæin, was restored to his true form,” Isaac requested, breaking me from my thoughts. As soon as Isaac said those words, Raæin glowed with a bright light that as soon as it faded away left Raæin wingless and glowing in his former body. He was a stunning sight to see. He too seemed to be relieved of all the pain that he had endured for so long.
“By the way sir, you now have 4 more wishes because you made a selfless wish,” Hubert announced.
“You can do that?” Isaac asked.
“I didn’t know I could until now,” Hubert responded. A moment of silence fell upon us. Raæin got to his feet. I then noticed him glare at something behind me. I looked around and saw Brier. Oh dear... that’ll be a complication to say the least.
“Okay, I say lets get out of here. Uh, Raæin, you’re welcome to come along, but just so everyone knows, the portal is now set to Celestia,” Isaac announced.
As everyone began to walk the way we came, I looked upon the portal with a sense of longing. How close home was. No more pain, no more complications of this mortal life... Yet Malfeiya was there with Heironious, conjuring evil plans I’m sure. Maybe I could go back for a moment to get answers? I certainly would like someone who could explain in crystal clear words what this mark was for its beginning to be everything but the mark I knew so long ago... Yet if I went back to the Kingdom I might be killed for returning home after mercifully being banished.
I looked at Raæin who, too, looked at me, not saying anything for a moment. How lucky he was for the time being, having no recollection of his first life. What I’d do to forget about the mark.
“I don’t like that Nightmare,” Raæin said, interrupting my thoughts, “I really want to gore it.”
“But, she’s done nothing wrong,” I defended automatically. Raæin gave me a look that questioned whether I was really a good person or not.
“Those creatures serve the kind of demons that tortured me. They are nothing but evil and I can’t understand why you would subject yourself to being in the presence of one.”
“Raæin... I understand she’s evil... but she hasn’t done anything evil. She’s very loyal to Cortanna and... well...” I left it at that. It wasn’t that I didn’t like Brier. She was good... but she was aligned to evil. Ultimately her kind was destined to serve the demons in Hell. Yet here she was, loyal as any horse- er, creature who served it’s master faithfully. But I knew it wasn’t worth arguing. Raæin went through a lot and who’s to say he’s out of line for having hatred for creatures that remind him of his time in Hell?
“Let’s go catch up Raæin,” I said, changing the subject though I knew Raæin wasn’t about to let that drop. I suppose if he didn’t like Brier, he could very well go his own way. I’m sure he heard Isaac say that the portal was open to Celestia... so he could have gone there and lived in peace if he really wanted to.
But no. Raæin followed after me.
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